Fredijs Dimiņš
Dr. sc. ing.Amats
- Pārtikas institūts - docents; vadošais pētnieks
Pieņemšanas laiki
- T
14:30 - 16:00, 267
Pirms ierašanās informēt. Pieņemšanas laiki uz sesijas periodu
Studiju kursi
- Ķīmija
- Ķīmija II
- Praktiskā ķīmija
- Fizikālā un koloidālā ķīmija
- Fizikālā un koloidālā ķīmija
- Fizikālā un koloidālā ķīmija II
- Ķīmija
- Vides ķīmija
Zinātniskās publikācijas
- Dažādu fenolu savienojumu saturs kameņu medū = Content of various phenolic compounds in bumblebee honey / Fredijs Dimiņš, Ingmārs Cinkmanis, Anete Ķeķe, Ingrīda Augšpole
- Analysis of 18 free amino acids in honeybee and bumblebee honey from Eastern and Northern Europe and Central Asia using Hplc-Esi-Tq-Ms/Ms approach bypassing derivatization step / Fredijs Dimins, Ingmars Cinkmanis, Vitalijs Radenkovs, Ingrida Augspole, Anda Valdovska
- Dažādu fenolu savienojumu saturs kameņu un bišu medū = Content of various phenolic compounds in bumblebee and bee honey / Fredijs Dimiņš, Ingmārs Cinkmanis, Ingrīda Augšpole, Anete Ķeķe
- Content of various phenolic compounds in bumblebee honey / Fredijs Dimins, Ingmārs Cinkmanis, Anete Keke, Ingrida Augspole
- Characterization of red raspberry (Rubus idaeus L.) for their physicochemical and morphological properties / I. Augšpole, I. Romanova, A. Liniņa, F. Dimiņš
- Characterization of red raspberry (Rubus idaeus L.) for their physicochemical and morphological properties / I. Augšpole, I. Romanova, A. Liniņa, F. Dimiņš
- Analysis of organic acids in herbal and fruit syrups by liquid chromatography / Ingmars Cinkmanis, Ingrida Augspole, Sanita Vucane, Fredijs Dimins
- Microwave facilities for thermal treatment of honey / Fredijs Dimiņš, Velga Miķelsone, Ingrīda Augšpole, Artūrs Niklāvs
- Analysis of organic acids in herbal and fruit syrups by liquid chromatography / Ingmars Cinkmanis, Ingrida Augspole, Sanita Vucane, Fredijs Dimins
- Total phenolic, antioxidant activities and flavonoid contents of herbal syrups / F. Dimiņš, I. Augšpole
- Influence of lyophilization and convective type drying on antioxidant properties, total phenols and flavonoids in pollens / Ingmars Cinkmanis, Fredijs Dimins, Velga Mikelsone
- Influence of lyophilization and convective type drying on antioxidant properties, total phenols and flavonoids in pollens / Ingmars Cinkmanis, Fredijs Dimins, Velga Mikelsone
- Variation of phenolic compounds in Latvian apple juices and their suitability for cider production / Rita Riekstina-Dolge, Zanda Kruma, Fredijs Dimins, Inta Krasnova, Daina Karklina
- Shredded carrots quality providing by treatment with hydrogen peroxide / Ingrida Augspole, Tatjana Rakcejeva, Zanda Kruma, Fredijs Dimins
- Shredded carrots quality providing by treatment with hydrogen peroxide / Ingrida Augspole, Tatjana Rakcejeva, Zanda Kruma, Fredijs Dimins
- Physical-chemical parameters of Latvian apple juices and their suitability for cider production / Rita Riekstina-Dolge, Zanda Kruma, Daina Karklina, Fredijs Dimins
- Physical-chemical parameters of Latvian apple juices and their suitability for cider production / Rita Riekstina-Dolge, Zanda Kruma, Daina Karklina, Fredijs Dimins
- Physical-chemical parameters of Latvian apple juices and their suitability for cider production / Rita Riekstina-Dolge, Zanda Kruma, Daina Karklina, Fredijs Dimins
- Variation of phenolic compounds in Latvian apple juices and their suitability for cider production / Rita Riekstina-Dolge, Zanda Kruma, Fredijs Dimins, Inta Krasnova, Daina Karklina
- Phenolic composition and sensory properties of ciders produced from Latvian apples / Rita Riekstina-Dolge, Zanda Kruma, Fredijs Dimins, Evita Straumite, Daina Karklina
- Effect of different types of heat treatment on invertase activity in honey / Fredijs Dimins, Velga Mikelsone, Peteris Kuka, Arturs Niklavs Jefremovs
- Effect of different types of heat treatment on invertase activity in honey / Fredijs Dimiņš, Velga Miķelsone, Pēteris Kūka, Artūrs Niklāvs Jefremovs
- Variation of phenolic compounds in Latvian apple juices and their suitability for cider production / Rita Riekstina-Dolge, Zanda Kruma, Fredijs Dimins, Inta Krasnova, Daina Karklina
- Possibilities for characterization of honeys antioxidative properties / Fredijs Dimins, Ingrida Augspole, Peteris Kuka, Georgs Silis
- Bioactive compounds in Latvian beer / Ilona Dabina-Bicka, Daina Karklina, Zanda Kruma, Fredijs Dimins
- Antiradikālās aktivitātes un kopējo fenolu satura izmaiņas misas fermentēšanas laikā = Changes of antiradical activity and total phenolic content during wort fermentation / Ilona Dabiņa-Bicka, Daina Kārkliņa, Zanda Krūma, Fredijs Dimiņš
- Influence of technological processes on the phenol content and antioxidant properties of horseradish roots (Armoracia rusticana L.) / Lolita Tomsone, Zanda Kruma, Ruta Galoburda, Fredijs Dimins, Viesturs Kreicbergs
- Total content of flavonoids in schizandra chinensis fruits / Inga Šarenkova, Kristīne Žolnere, Velga Miķelsone, Fredijs Dimiņš
- Possibilities for characterization of honeys antioxidative properties / Fredijs Dimins, Ingrida Augspole, Peteris Kuka, Georgs Silis
- The influence of copper on the rye malt quality / Kristina Antoņenko, Viesturs Kreicbergs, Mara Duma, Fredijs Dimins, Sandra Ozola, Vita Rudoviča
- Changes in physically-chemical parameters of Latvian cranberries during storage / Karina Ruse, Tatjana Rakcejeva, Lija Dukalska, Fredijs Dimins
- Antioxidant characteristics of Latvian herbal tea types = Latvijā vākto zāļu tēju antioksidatīvo īpašību raksturojums / Fredijs Dimiņš, Velga Miķelsone, Miķelis Kaņeps
- Latvian antioxidant characteristics of herbal tea types / F. Dimiņš, V. Miķelsone, M. Kaņeps
- The influence of copper on the rye malt quality / Kristina Antoņenko, Viesturs Kreicbergs, Mara Duma, Fredijs Dimins, Sandra Ozola, Vita Rudoviča
- Changes in content of antioxidant substances during barley wort production / I. Dabina-Bicka, D. Karklina, Z. Kruma, F. Dimins, S. Kapitonovs
- Chemical composition of variety ‘Nante’ hybrid carrots cultivated in Latvia / Tatjana Rakcejeva, Ingrida Augspole, Lija Dukalska, Fredijs Dimins
- The characterization of types of honeys antioxidative properties / F. Dimins, P. Kuka, I. Augspole
- The characterization of types of honey's antioxidative properties / F. Dimins, P. Kuka, I. Augspole
- Antioxidant characteristics of Latvian herbal tea types / F. Dimins, V. Mikelsone, M. Kaneps
- Bioactive compounds in Latvian barley beer / Ilona Dabina-Bicka, Daina Karklina, Zanda Kruma, Fredijs Dimins
- Phenolic composition and sensory properties of ciders produced from Latvian apples / Rita Riekstina-Dolge, Zanda Kruma, Fredijs Dimins, Daina Karklina
- Buffer capacity as a parameter for honey characterization / F. Dimins, P. Kuka, L. Tomsone
- Biologically active compounds in roasted coffee / Viesturs Kreicbergs, Fredijs Dimins, Velga Mikelsone, Ingmars Cinkmanis
- Buffer capacity as a parameter for honey characterization / F. Dimins, P. Kuka, L. Tomsone
- Hydroxymethylfurfural formation in muesli with honey additive / A. Komarovska, F. Dimiņš, V. Kreicbergs
- Hydroxymethylfurfural formation in muesli with honey additive / A. Komarovska, F. Dimiņš, V. Kreicbergs
- Formation of 5-hydroxymethylfurfuraldehyde in Latvian whole meal rye bread during baking / Vija Ozoliņa, Daiga Kunkulberga, Fredijs Dimiņš
- Formation of 5-hydroxymethylfurfuraldehyde in Latvian whole meal rye bread during baking / Vija Ozolina, Daiga Kunkulberga, Fredijs Dimins
- Biologically active compounds in roasted coffee / Viesturs Kreicbergs, Fredijs Dimins, Velga Mikelsone, Ingmars Cinkmanis
- Determination of sugar content in milk pomade sweet by high performance liquid chromatography at the shelf life / Eva Ungure, Fredijs Dimins, Sandra Muizniece-Brasava, Lija Dukalska
- Determination of phenolic compounds in birch and maple saps / M. Kuka, I. Cakste, F. Dimins, E. Gersebeka
- Dynamics of sugars composition in berries / Sigita Boca, Imants Atis Skrupskis, Fredijs Dimins, Inta Krasnova
- Changes in physically-chemical and microbiological parameters of Latvian wild cranberries during convective drying / Karina Dorofejeva, Tatjana Rakcejeva, Liga Skudra, Fredijs Dimins, Jorens Kviesis
- Determination of phenolic compounds in birch and maple saps / M. Kuka, I. Cakste, F. Dimins, E. Gersebeka
- Characterisation of honey antioxidative properties / F. Dimins, P. Kuka, I. Augspole
- Characterisation of honey antioxidative properties / F. Dimins, P. Kuka, I. Augspole
- Enzīma invertāzes aktivitātes noteikšana medū = Determination invertase activity in honey / Olga Amoliņa, Kristīne Borodina, Fredijs Dimiņš
- Medus reducējošo cukuru un saharozes saturs = Content of reducing sugar and sucrose in honey / A. Maslobojeva, M. Narožnova, M. Ragainis, F. Dimiņš
- Content of carbohydrates and specific rotation angle of honey / Fredijs Dimins, Peteris Kuka, Ilze Cakste
- Use physical and chemical parameters for the characteristic of honey quality / Fredijs Dimins, Peteris Kuka, Ilze Cakste, Ingrida Augspole
- Water absorption and surface free energy of modified wood / A. Morozovs, P. Kuka, F. Dimins
- Wood's surface free energy characterisation / A. Morozovs, P. Kuka, F. Dimins
- Water absorption and surface free energy of modified wood / A. Morozovs, P. Kuka, F. Dimins
- Medus kvalitātes novērtēšanas rādītāji : promocijas darbs inženierzinātņu zinātniskā grāda iegūšanai pārtikas zinātnē, pārtikas produktu kvalitātes apakšnozarē / Fredijs Dimiņš ; Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte, Pārtikas tehnoloģijas fakultāte.
- The criteria of honey quality and its changes during storage and thermal treatment = Medus kvalitātes kritēriji un to izmaiņas medus uzglabāšanas un termiskās apstrādes laikā / Fredijs Dimiņš, Pēteris Kūka, Māra Kūka, Ilze Čakste
- Medus kvalitātes novērtēšanas rādītāji : promocijas darba kopsavilkums inženierzinātņu zinātniskā grāda iegūšanai pārtikas zinātnē / Fredijs Dimiņš Mg. chem. ; Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte. Pārtikas tehnoloģijas fakultāte = Assessment parameters of honey quality : summary of promotion work for acquiring the Doctor's degree of Engineering Sciences in the Food Sciences.
- Determination of the content of hydroxymethylfurfural in the honey = Bestimmung des gehaltes an hydroxymethylfurfural in honig / F. Dimiņš, P. Kūka, M. Kūka
- The criteria of quality of honey and its changes during storage / F. Dimins, P. Kuka, M. Kuka, I. Cakste
- Determination of the oxidation - reduction potential in the honey = Bestimmung des oxidations - reduktionspotentials in honig / F. Dimiņš, P. Kūka, I. Čakste
- Usage of physical methods in the characterization of the quality of honey = Fizikālo metožu pielietošana medus kvalitātes raksturošanā / Pēteris Kūka, Fredijs Dimiņš, Māra Kūka, Ilze Čakste
- Ferments amilāze (Diastāze) kā medus kvalitātes raksturotājs = Enzyme amylases (Diastasis) as characteriser quality of honey / F. Dimiņš, P. Kūka, M. Kūka
- Use of spectroscopic methods for characterization of the quality of honey / P. Kuka, F. Dimins, M. Kuka, I. Cakste
- Physical methods for investigation of the quality of honey / P. Kuka, F. Dimins, M. Kuka, I. Cakste
- Physical methods for investigation of the quality of honey / P. Kuka, F. Dimins, M. Kuka, I. Cakste
- Оценка качества меда/ М. Кука, И. Скара, Ф. Диминьш, И. Чаксте, П. Кука
- Par selēna savienojuma SN-2 ietekmi uz lapu salātiem = Selen compound SN-2 influence to the lettuce / I.Strokša, M.Dūma, F.Dimiņš, D.Kārkliņa, U.Kauliņš
- Содержание лизоцима и перекиси водорода в пчелином медe / Ф. Диминьш, П. Кука, М. Кука
- Lizocīma saturs medū un tā noteikšana = The content of lysozyme in honey and determination
- Lizocīms bišu produktos = Lysozyme in the bee products / V.Miķelsone, M.Kūka, F.Dimiņš