Inga Ciproviča
Dr. sc. ing.Amats
- Pārtikas institūts - institūta direktore; profesore; vadošā pētniece
Pieņemšanas laiki
- O
16:00 - 17:00, Rīgas iela 22a, Jelgava, 223. telpa
Nepilna laika studentiem par papildus pieņemšanas laikiem, lūgums, sazināties e-pastā. - C
16:00 - 17:00, Rīgas iela 22a, Jelgava, 223. telpa
Nepilna laika studentiem par papildus pieņemšanas laikiem, lūgums, sazināties e-pastā.
Studiju kursi
- Pārtikas un dzērienu tehnoloģijas
- Pētījuma virziena speckurss
- Maģistra darbs
- Piena pārstrādes tehnoloģija
- Piens, tā pārstrāde I
- Diplomprojekts
- Pārtikas produktu tehnoloģija
- Jaunā pārtika un ģenētiski modificētie organismi
- Pārtikas piedevu pielietojums
- Maģistra darbs
- Piens, tā pārstrāde I
Zinātniskās publikācijas
- sciforum-095887: Microbial spoilage mitigation in biodegradable cheese packaging via protective lactobacillus coating / Loreta Serniene, Agne Vasiliauskaite, Elvidas Aleksandrovas, Sandra Muizniece-Brasava, Inga Ciprovica
- Influence of fermentation process on sensory properties of legumes spreads / V. Illarionova, J. Zagorska Ĺ. Tomsone, I. Ciprovica, J. Feldmane
- Free amino acid profile in organic and conventional fermented milk: the role of starter cultures / Stefanija Sabunevica, Kristine Majore, Inga Ciproviča, Jelena Zagorska
- Effect of different defatting methods on Japanese quince seed protein extract technological properties / D. Lazdiņa, D. Seglina, I. Ciproviča
- Lipid profile changes in perimenopausal women depending on buttermilk consumption in diet: a paired samples analysis / Svetlana Aleksejeva, Inga Ciproviča, Laila Meija, Maksims Zolovs
- Evaluation of iodine intake and its dietary sources among lactating women in Latvia / Līva Aumeistere, Inga Ciproviča
- Potential of different horticultural fruit species' seeds and pits in protein extraction / Danija Lazdiņa, Dalija Seglina, Inga Ciproviča
- Seasonal variation in serum cholesterol level in perimenopausal women: a preliminary research / S. Aleksejeva, I. Ciprovica, L. Meija
- The dominating taxonomic composition of the human breast milk microbiota and its association with milk macronutrient content / Lagzdiņa Laura, Broka Līga, Frīdmanis Dāvids, Gudrā Dita, Rumba–Rozenfelde Ingrīda, Ciproviča Inga, Daugule Ilva
- sciforum-103052: Influence of fermentation pattern on aroma compounds in legume spreads Valerija Illarionova, Jelena Zagorska, Inga Ciprovica, Lolita Tomsone, Jana Feldmane
- Assessment of heavy metals and trace elements in the human milk of women living in Latvia and an evaluation of influencing factors / Līva Aumeistere, Alīna Beluško, Inga Ciproviča
- Physical, rheological and nutritional properties of plant-based frozen dessert / Jelena Zagorska, Bella Laura Stamere, Ruta Galoburda, Inga Ciprovica, Evita Strausa
- The study of combination of biodegradable packaging and biocoating with lactic acid bacteria as a green alternative for traditional packaging in Gouda cheese / Elvidas Aleksandrovas, Agnė Vasiliauskaitė, Justina Milerienė, Sandra Muizniece-Brasava, Inga Ciprovica, Epp Songisepp, Ida Rud, Lars Axelsson, Beatričė Kasparavičienė, Liis Lutter, Mindaugas Malakauskas, Loreta Šernienė
- The study of recyclable packaging materials for Gouda cheese ripening / Sandra Muizniece Brasava, Inga Ciprovica, Loreta Serniene
- The impact of biotechnologically produced lactobionic acid in the diet of lactating dairy cows on their performance and quality traits of milk / Diana Ruska, Vitalijs Radenkovs, Karina Juhnevica-Radenkova, Daina Rubene, Inga Ciprovica, Jelena Zagorska
- Macroelement seasonal variations in Latvian organic milk / Jana Lakstiņa, Inga Ciproviča , Jeļena Zagorska
- Legume proteins versus dairy proteins - benefits and myths / Ivars Orlovs, Jelena Zagorska, Inga Ciprovica, Jana Feldmane
- Nutrition and bone health among postmenopausal Latvian women / Līva Aumeistere, Inese Siksna, Lolita Vija Neimane, Māra Kampara, Olga Ļubina, Inga Ciproviča
- The effect of lactic acid bacteria on fatty acid profile in organic milk fermentation / Alana Pious Jose, Stefanija Sabunevica, Jelena Zagorska, Inga Ciprovica
- Propionic acid fermentation—study of substrates, strains, and antimicrobial properties / Unigunde Antone, Inga Ciprovica, Maksims Zolovs, Rita Scerbaka, Janis Liepins
- Sensory assessment of bi-enzymatic-treated glucose-galactose syrup / Kristine Majore, Inga Ciprovica
- Japanese quince seed protein extraction using different defatting methods / Danija Lazdina, Inga Ciprovica, Dalija Seglina
- Bioactive compounds in human milk of mothers living in Latvia / Alina Belusko, Liva Aumeistere, Majore, Inga Ciprovica
- Effect of buttermilk polar lipids on plasma lipid profile: a pilot study / Svetlana Aleksejeva, Anna Krasikova, Inga Ciprovica, Laila Meija
- Fatty acid composition of different breed goat milk / Liga Marcinkoniene, Inga Ciprovica
- Survival of lactic acid bacteria grown in organic and conventional milk in the human gastrointestinal model / Alana Pious Jose, Inga Ciproviča
- The effect of coconut fibres on lactic acid bacteria growth during the milk fermentation / Amala Joseph, Inga Ciproviča
- Screening for antifungal indigenous lactobacilli strains isolated from local fermented milk for developing bioprotective fermentates and coatings based on acid whey protein concentrate for fresh cheese quality maintenance / Agne Vasiliauskaite, Justina Mileriene, Beatrice Kasparaviciene, Elvidas Aleksandrovas, Epp Songisepp, Ida Rud, Lars Axelsson, Sandra Muizniece-Brasava, Inga Ciprovica, Algimantas Paskevicius, Jurgita Aksomaitiene, Ausra Gabinaitiene, Dainius Uljanovas, Violeta Baliukoniene, Liis Lutter, Mindaugas Malakauskas, Loreta Serniene
- Downstream approach routes for the purification and recovery of lactobionic acid / Inga Sarenkova, Sara Sáez-Orviz, Manuel Rendueles, Inga Ciprovica, Jelena Zagorska, Mario Díaz
- Bioconversion of lactose into glucose–galactose syrup by two-stage enzymatic hydrolysis / Kristine Majore, Inga Ciprovica
- Zināmais un nezināmais piens / Inga Ciproviča, Jānis Šolks
- The gut microbiome among postmenopausal Latvian women in relation to dietary habits / Līva Aumeistere, Juris Ķibilds, Inese Siksna, Lolita Vija Neimane, Māra Kampara, Olga Ļubina, Inga Ciproviča
- In vitro testing of lactic acid bacteria from commercial yoghurts / Jana Lakstina, Inga Ciprovica, Kristine Majore
- Pea application for milk alternative development / Valerija Illarionova, Jelena Zagorska, Aina Kokare, Inga Ciprovica
- A review: dairy phospholipids in human nutrition / Svetlana Aleksejeva, Inga Ciprovica, Laila Meija
- Oligosaccharides in human milk, achievements in analysis: a review / Alina Belusko, Liva Aumeistere, Inga Ciprovica
- Organic acid and biomass production of propionic acid bacteria grown in lactose and lactate-based broths / Unigunde Antone, Janis Liepins, Maksims Zolovs, Inga Ciprovica
- Zarnu mikrobioms sievietēm pēc menopauzes periodā, tā saistība ar uzturu / Lolita Neimane, Inga Elksne, Inga Ciproviča, Līva Aumeistere
- Lactobionic acid production by Pseudomonas taetrolens in a fed-batch bioreactor using acid whey as substrate / Inga Sarenkova, Sara Sáez-Orviz, Inga Ciprovica, Manuel Rendueles, Mario Díaz
- Application of edible coating based on liquid acid whey protein concentrate with indigenous lactobacillus helveticus for acid-curd cheese quality improvement / Agne Vasiliauskaite, Justina Mileriene, Epp Songisepp, Ida Rud, Sandra Muizniece-Brasava, Inga Ciprovica, Lars Axelsson, Liis Lutter, Elvidas Aleksandrovas, Ene Tammsaar, Joana Salomskiene, Loreta Serniene, Mindaugas Malakauskas
- Food, nutrition, and health in Latvia / Ilze Beitāne, Inga Ciproviča, Ida Jākobsone, Jevgēnija Jansone, Daina Kārkliņa, Dace Kļava, Gita Krūmiņa-Zemture, Daiga Kunkulberga, Sandra Muižniece-Brasava, Anita Pastare, Astra Spalvēna, Sanita Zute
- Acid whey valorization for biotechnological lactobionic acid bio-production / Vikram R. Narala, Jelena Zagorska, Inga Sarenkova, Inga Ciprovica, Kristine Majore
- Mineral and vitamin intakes of Latvian women during lactation period / Līva Aumeistere, Alīna Beluško, Inga Ciproviča, Dace Zavadska
- Consumers’ acceptance of low-sugar yoghurt in Latvia / Jelena Zagorska, Inga Ciprovica
- Pārtikas produktu ražošanas tehnoloģijas : digitālais mācību līdzeklis / Inga Ciproviča, Daiga Kunkulberga, Ilze Grāmatiņa, Solvita Kampuse, Daina Kārkliņa ; nozares ekspertes: Anita Skudra, Iveta Austruma ; literārā redaktore Kristīne Mežapuķe.
- In-vitro study on fermentation characteristics of different hulless barley cultivar flakes / Kristīne Majore, Vita Šterna, Māra Bleidere, Sanita Reidzāne, Inga Ciproviča
- Laktobionskābes šķīduma iekļaušana slaucamo govju barībā = Inclusion of lactobionic acid in the diet of dairy cows / Diana Ruska, Jeļena Zagorska, Inga Ciproviča, Jana Zegrja, Viesturs Krilovs
- Acid whey suitability for lactobionic acid production / Inga Sarenkova, Sara Saez Orviz, Inga Ciprovica, Manuel Rendueles, Mario Diaz
- Preliminary study on the influence of somatic cell count on goat milk composition / Liga Marcinkoniene, Inga Ciprovica
- Lactobionic acid production from acid whey under different fermentative conditions / Inga Sarenkova, Sara Saez Orviz, Inga Ciprovica, Manuel Rendueles, Mario Diaz
- Trans fatty acids in human milk in Latvia: association with dietary habits during the lactation period / Līva Aumeistere, Alīna Beluško, Inga Ciproviča, Dace Zavadska
- Omega-3 fatty acid composition in human milk / Alīna Beluško, Līva Aumeistere, Inga Ciproviča, Dace Zavadska
- Case study: Free lunch meals provision during the remote learning conditions / Ilze Beitane, Zanda Kruma, Tatjana Kince, Martins Sabovics, Sandra Iriste, Sandra Muizniece-Brasava, Jekaterina Bujaka, Sintija Strode, Inga Ciprovica
- Optimisation of lactose hydrolysis by combining solids and ß-galactosidase concentrations in whey permeates = Laktozes hidrolīzes apstākļu optimizācija dažādas sūkalu sausnas un ß-galaktozidāzes koncentrācijas ietekmē / Kristīne Majore, Inga Ciproviča
- Acceptance of low-sugar yoghurt among Latvian teenagers / J. Zagorska, I. Ciprovica, E. Straumite, K. Majore
- The influence of milk quality and composition on goat milk suitability for cheese production / L. Marcinkoniene, I. Ciprovica
- Daina Kārkliņa (1950–2020) food scientist = Daina Kārkliņa (1950–2020), pārtikas zinātniece : [In Memoriam] / Inga Ciproviča
- The comparison of the spray-drying and freeze-drying techniques for camel milk: a review / Ukilim Tastemirova, Inga Ciprovica, Azaret Shingisov
- The novel solution for acid whey permeate application in animal feeding / Jana Lakstina, Inese Aboltina, Liga Vanaga, Inga Ciprovica, Daina Jonkus, Jelena Zagorska, Ingmars Cinkmanis
- Relation between human milk sodium and maternal sodium intake = Nātrija patēriņš zīdīšanas periodā, tā ietekme uz nātrija saturu mātes pienā / Līva Aumeistere, Inga Ciproviča, Dace Zavadska, Konstantīns Bavrins, Anastasija Borisova
- The influence of whey permeate treatment on glucose-galactose syrup production / Ramazon Samadov, Inga Ciprovica
- Pārtikas tehnoloģija : pārtikas zinātnes apakšnozare, kas atbild par pārtikas ražošanas tehnoloģijām, tajās iegūto produktu sastāvu un kvalitāti / Inga Ciproviča
- Goat milk quality in the late lactation / Liga Marcinkoniene, Inga Ciprovica
- Goat milk quality in the late lactation / Liga Marcinkoniene, Inga Ciprovica
- Lactose hydrolysis in different solids content whey and milk permeates / Kristine Zolnere, Inga Ciprovica
- Enzymatic hydrolysis of lactose in concentrated whey and milk permeates / Kristine Zolnere, Inga Ciprovica
- The study of physical properties of spray dried whey and milk permeates lactose / K. Žolnere, I. Ciproviča
- Essential elements in mature human milk / Liva Aumeistere, Inga Ciprovica, Dace Zavadska, Konstantins Bavrins, Anastasija Borisova
- Maternal sodium intake reflects on sodium content in mature breast milk / L. Aumeistere, I. Ciproviča, D. Zavadska, K. Bavrins, A. Borisova
- The effect of concentrated whey solids on lactobionic acid production by Pseudomonas taetrolens / Inga Sarenkova, Inga Ciprovica
- Konditorejā lietoto taukvielu stabilitātes pētījumi : promocijas darba kopsavilkums zinātniskā grāda iegūšanai = The Study of the Stability of Fats Used in Confectionery : summary of doctoral dissertation for the scientific degree of / Vineta Vītola ; promocijas darba zinātniskie vadītāji: Inga Ciproviča, Dr.oec. Aivars Strautnieks ; oficiālie recenzenti: Vita Šterna, Dr.chem. Ida Jākobsone, Anita Blija ; Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte.
- The optimization of acid whey permeate hydrolysis for glucose-galactose syrup production / Ramazon Samadov, Inga Ciprovica, Jamshidbek Khabibullaev, Ingmars Cinkmanis
- The study of the effect of acid whey pH on lactobionic acid production by pseudomonas taetrolens / I. Sarenkova, I. Ciprovica, I. Cinkmanis
- Essential elements analysis in mature breast milk / Liva Aumeistere, Inga Ciprovica, Dace Zavadska, Konstantins Bavrins, Anastasija Borisova
- Konditorejā lietoto taukvielu stabilitātes pētījumi : promocijas darbs inženierzinātņu doktora zinātniskā grāda iegūšanai pārtikas zinātnē pārtikas produktu kvalitātē = The Study of the Stability of Fats Used in Confectionery / Vineta Vītola ; promocijas darba zinātniskā vadītāja I. Ciproviča ; Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte. Pārtikas tehnoloģijas fakultāte. Pārtikas tehnoloģijas katedra.
- The optimal freezing temperature of cow milk and camel milk = Сиырментүйесүтініңмұздатуныңоңтайлытемпературасы = Оптимальная tемпература замораживания коровьего молока и верблюжьего молока / U. U. Tastemirova, R. S. Alibekov, I. Ciprovica, A. U. Shingisov, R. B. Mukhtarkhanova, E. U. Mailybaeva
- The study of physical properties of spray dried whey and milk permeates lactose / K. Zolnere, I. Ciproviča
- Impact of maternal diet on human milk composition among lactating women in Latvia / Līva Aumeistere, Inga Ciproviča, Dace Zavadska, Juris Andersons, Viktors Volkovs, Kristīne Ceļmalniece
- Latvian cheeses: traditions, technology and nutritional facts / Inga Ciprovica
- The effect of concentrated whey solids on lactobionic acid production by Pseudomonas taetrolens / Inga Sarenkova, Inga Ciprovica, Ingmars Cinkmanis
- The optimization of acid whey permeate hydrolysis for glucose-galactose syrup production / Ramazon Samadov, Inga Ciprovica, Kristine Zolnere, Ingmars Cinkmanis
- Effect of different salts on pseudomonas taetrolens' ability to lactobionic acid production / I. Sarenkova, I. Ciprovica, I. Cinkmanis
- Innovative structured fish mass products from Baltic sprat (Sprattus sprattus balticus Schneider) / Sandra Muizniece-Brasava, Asnate Kirse-Ozolina, Ilze Gramatina, Andrey Gorbatovskiy, Sanita Sazonova, Evita Straumite, Zanda Kruma, Inga Ciprovica, Martins Sabovics, Daiga Kunkulberga, Janina Kivite, Tatjana Kince, Jelena Zagorska
- Innovative structured fish meat products from Baltic sprat (Sprattus Sprattus Balticus) / Sandra Muizniece-Brasava, Asnate Kirse-Ozolina, Ilze Gramatina, Inga Ciprovica, Andrey Gorbatovskiy, Sanita Sazonova, Evita Straumite, Zanda Kruma, Martins Sabovics, Daiga Kunkulberga, Janina Kivite, Tatjana Kince, Jelena Zagorska
- Designing of thermal treatment parameters for tomato sauces / Asnate Kirse-Ozolina, Evalds Raits, Inga Ciprovica
- Development of new cost-efficient and ready-to-cook fish products with higher nutritional value / Sandra Muizniece-Brasava, Asnate Kirse-Ozolina, Ilze Gramatina, Sanita Sazonova, Janina Kivite, Martins Sabovics, Inga Ciprovica, Elina Sturmovica, Andrey Gorbatovskiy
- Aivars Strautnieks / Andra Zvirbule, Inga Ciproviča
- The effect of whey salts on enzymatic lactose hydrolysis / Kristine Zolnere, Inga Ciprovica
- A study of commercial β-galactosidase stability under simulated in vitro gastric conditions / K. Žolnere, I. Ciproviča, A. Ķirse, I. Cinkmanis
- The current status and future perspectives of lactobionic acid production : a review / Inga Sarenkova, Inga Ciprovica
- Pārtikas mikrobioloģija : pārtikas zinātnes apakšnozare, kurā pēta pārtikas produktu ražošanā lietotos mikroorganismus un to metabolītus, pārtikas izejvielu un produktu mikrofloru drošas un nekaitīgas produkcijas ražošanai / Inga Ciproviča
- A study of commercial β-galactosidase stability under simulated in vitro gastric conditions / K. Žolnere, I. Ciproviča, A. Ķirse, I. Cinkmanis
- Fish intake reflects on DHA level in breast milk among lactating women in Latvia / Līva Aumeistere, Inga Ciproviča, Dace Zavadska, Viktors Volkovs
- Zinc content in breast milk and its association with maternal diet / Līva Aumeistere, Inga Ciproviča, Dace Zavadska, Konstantīns Bavrins, Anastasija Borisova
- Pārtikas produktu un dzērienu ražošana / Inga Ciproviča, Daina Kārkliņa
- The impact of calcium ions on commercially available beta galactosidase / Kristine Zolnere, Janis Liepins, Inga Ciprovica
- The influence of k-casein genotype on the coagulation properties of milk collected from the local Latvian cow breeds / S. Petrovska, D. Jonkus, J. Zagorska, I. Ciprovica
- The influence of non-starter lactic acid bacteria on swiss-type cheese quality / Agita Bluma, Inga Ciprovica, Martins Sabovics
- Lactose content of breast milk among lactating women in Latvia / Liva Aumeistere, Inga Ciprovica, Dace Zavadska, Kristine Celmalniece
- Lactose content of breast milk among lactating women in Latvia / Liva Aumeistere, Inga Ciprovica, Dace Zavadska, Kristine Celmalniece
- The impact of calcium ions on commercially available β-galactosidase / Kristine Zolnere, Janis Liepins, Inga Ciprovica
- Latvijā audzēto slaucamo govju piena koagulācijas īpašību analīze laktācijas laikā = Analysis of milk coagulation properties during lactation of dairy cows grown in Latvia / Solvita Petrovska, Daina Jonkus, Jeļena Zagorska, Inga Ciproviča
- The influence of kappa-casein and beta-lactoglobulin genotypes on milk coagulation properties in Latvia dairy breed / Solvita Petrovska, Daina Jonkus, Jelena Zagorska, Inga Ciprovica
- The comparison of commercially available β-galactosidases for dairy industry : review / Kristine Zolnere, Inga Ciprovica
- A preliminary study on essential minerals in human milk : association with dietary habits / Liva Aumeistere, Inga Ciprovica, Dace Zavadska, Konstantins Bavrins
- Exopolysaccharides of lactic acid bacteria in yoghurt production: case study / I. Ciprovica, J. Lakstina, P. Semjonovs
- The effect of cocoa beans heavy and trace elements on safety and stability of confectionery products / Vineta Vītola, Inga Ciproviča
- Sparkling whey drink development / Liga Baumane, Inga Ciprovica
- The academic inter-university master's study program: "Study program of master of health sciences in nutrition science (nutritional science)" / I. Jakobsone, R. Ligere, D. Karklina, I. Ciprovica, L. Neimane
- Comparison of breast milk composition among lactating woman in Latvia = Krūts piena sastāva salīdzinājums mātēm Latvijā dažādos laktācijas periodos / Līga Broka, Ilva Daugule, Inga Ciproviča, Daiga Kviļūna, Ingrīda Rumba-Rozenfelde
- The potential of Latvian cows’ breeds on cheesemaking / I. Ciprovica, J. Zagorska, S. Petrovska
- Non starter lactic acid bacteria in raw milk, thermally treated milk and swiss type cheese / Agita Bluma, Inga Ciprovica
- Kazas gadā kazas piena sieri / Inga Ciproviča
- Kazas gadā kazas piena sieri / Inga Ciproviča
- The potential of fructans producing acetic acid bacteria in fermented dairy products / Jana Feldmane, Inga Ciprovica, Martins Sabovics
- Diversity of lactic acid bacteria in raw milk / Agita Bluma, Inga Ciprovica
- Maize ar vai bez garoziņas / Inga Ciproviča, Daiga Kunkulberga
- Исследование влияния эксополисахаридов на консистенцию йогурта / Я. Я. Фелдмане, И. С. Ципровича
- Jaunā pārtika un ģenētiski modificētie organismi : starpaugstskolu akadēmiskā maģistra studiju programma "Uzturzinātne" : mācību materiāls / Daina Kārkliņa, Indriķis Muižnieks, Nils Rostoks ; [zinātniskā redaktore: Inga Ciproviča].
- The influence of fermentation temperature on the development of exopolysaccharides in yoghurt production / Jana Feldmane, Inga Ciprovica, Pavels Semjonovs, Raimonds Linde
- The influence of fermentation temperature on the development of exopolysaccharides in yoghurt production / Jana Feldmane, Inga Ciprovica, Pavels Semjonovs, Raimonds Linde
- Acrylamide reduction options in rye bread / Daiga Kunkulberga, Ilga Gedrovica, Vija Ozolina, Inga Ciprovica, Vita Sterna
- Acrylamide reduction options in rye bread / Daiga Kunkulberga, Ilga Gedrovica, Vija Ozolina, Inga Ciprovica, Vita Sterna
- Piens un piena produkti uzturā / Inga Ciproviča
- Possible options of lactulose production / Kristīne Žolnere, Inga Ciproviča
- Nutritional benefits of Bifidobacterium lactis in dairy products = Bifidobacterium lactis raudzētu piena produktu uzturvērtības paaugstināšana / Ilze Beitāne, Inga Ciproviča
- Potential of exopolysaccharides in yoghurt production / Jana Feldmane, Pavels Semjonovs, Inga Ciprovica
- Evaluation of factors affecting freezing point of milk / Jelena Zagorska, Inga Ciprovica
- Pārtikas tehnoloģijas fakultāte / B. Ozola, I. Ciproviča
- The influence of heat treatment on antimicrobial proteins in milk / Jelena Zagorska, Inga Ciprovica
- The study of synbiotic dairy products rheological properties during shelf-life / Ilze Beitane, Inga Ciprovica
- Nutritional benefits of Bifidobacterium lactis in dairy products / I. Beitane, I. Ciprovica
- Probiotiku un prebiotiku simbioze / I. Beitāne, I. Ciproviča
- The study of cholesterol content in synbiotic fermented dairy products / Ilze Beitane, Inga Ciprovica
- Piena imunoglobulīni / I. Ciproviča, M. Liepa, J. Zagorska
- Probiotiku un prebiotiku simbioze / I. Ciproviča, A. Miķelsone
- Prebiotikas un probiotikas / I. Ciproviča, D. Kārkliņa
- The study of synbiotic dairy products rheological properties during shelf-life / Ilze Beitane, Inga Ciprovica
- The study of attenuated starters in holandes cheese ripening / Alla Miķelsone, Inga Ciproviča
- Aromātveidojošo vielu dinamika Krievijas siera nogatavināšanā = The dynamics of aroma compounds during Krievijas cheese ripening / Alla Miķelsone, Inga Ciproviča
- The study of attenuated starters in holandes cheese ripening / Alla Mikelsone, Inga Ciprovica
- Evaluation of immunoglobulin and lysozyme concentration in milk enriched with carotenoids / J. Zagorska, U. Antone, V. Šterna, I. Ciproviča
- The influence of ripening temperature on diversity of non-starter lactic bacteria in semihard cheeses / Inga Ciprovica, Alla Mikelsone
- The influence of immunoglobulins on microbiological quality of milk / J. Zagorska, U. Antone, I. Ciprovica, I. Konosonoka, V. Sterna, I. Gramatina, S. Sarvi
- The influence of ripening temperature on diversity of non-starter lactic acid bacteria in semi-hard cheeses / Inga Ciprovica, Alla Mikelsone
- Evaluation of immunoglobulin and lysozyme concentration in milk enriched with carotenoids / J. Zagorska, U. Antone, V. Šterna, I. Ciproviča
- The study of carbohydrates fermentation ability of B.lactis in milk / Ilze Beitane, Inga Ciprovica
- The study of carbohydrates fermentation ability of B.lactis in milk / Ilze Beitane, Inga Ciprovica
- The study of added prebiotics on B group vitamins concentration during milk fermentation / Ilze Beitane, Inga Ciprovica
- The study of added prebiotics on B group vitamins concentration during milk fermentation / Ilze Beitane, Inga Ciprovica
- Sieru mikrofloras analīze = Analysis of cheese microflora / Alla Miķelsone, Inga Ciproviča
- The influence of feed supplemented with carotenoids on antimicrobial proteins in milk / J. Zagorska, U. Antone, V. Šterna, I. Ciproviča
- Effect of ripening temperature on Latvian semi-hard cheese quality / A. Mikelsone, I. Ciproviča
- Diversity of Lactobacillus spp. in Krievijas cheese / Alla Miķelsone, Inga Ciproviča
- Effect of ripening conditions on Latvian semi-hard cheese quality / A. Novikova, I. Ciproviča
- Effect of ripening conditions on Latvian semi-hard cheese quality / A. Novikova, I. Ciproviča
- Diversity of non-starter lactic acid bacteria in Latvian semi-hard cheeses / Alla Miķelsone, Inga Ciproviča
- Quality of Latvian semi-hard cheeses / Alla Miķelsone, Inga Ciproviča
- Makroelementi un antivielas pienā = Macroelements and antibodies in milk / I. Ciproviča, J. Zagorska
- The evaluation of carbohydrate's fermentation in milk by Bifidobacterium lactis / I. Beitane, I. Ciprovica, Daina Karklina
- The comparison of chemical contamination of Latvian organic and conventional milk / J. Zagorska, I. Ciprovica
- Evaluation of contamination of organic and conventional milk in Latvia regarding heavy metals and aflatoxin M1 / Jeļena Zagorska, Inga Ciproviča, Tatjana Rakčejeva
- Evaluation of contamination of organic and conventional milk by heavy metals and aflatoxin M1 in Latvia / Jelena Zagorska, Inga Ciprovica, Tatjana Rakcejeva
- Pārtikas produktu tehnoloģija : starpaugstskolu akadēmiskā maģistra studiju programma "Uzturzinātne" : mācību materiāls / Daina Kārkliņa, Inga Ciproviča.
- Prebiotikas – probiotisko baktēriju vairošanās un dzīvotspējas veicinātājas pienā = Prebiotics – the influencing factors on growth and survival of probiotics in milk / Ilze Beitāne, Inga Ciproviča
- The evaluation of sensory properties of Latvian semi-hard cheeses / Alla Novikova, Envija Strautniece, Inga Ciproviča
- The chemical composition of organic and conventional milk in Latvia / Jelena Zagorska, Inga Ciprovica
- The amount of B1 and B2 vitamins in milk with added prebiotics and fermented by bifidobacteria / Ilze Beitane; Inga Ciprovica; Daina Karklina
- The evaluation of microbiological quality of Latvian organic milk / Jeļena Zagorska, Inga Ciproviča
- Heavy metals in organic milk / Jelena Zagorska, Inga Ciproviča, Daina Kārklina
- The study of the nutritive value of fermented milk with probiotics and prebiotics / Inga Ciprovica, Ilze Beitane
- The quality of minced meat in different retails / D. Karklina, J. Kivite, A. Dubovika, L. Markevica, I. Ciprovica
- The comparison of chemical composition between organic and conventional milks / Jeļena Zagorska, Inga Ciproviča
- Evaluation of microbiological quality of organic milk in Latvia / Jeļena Zagorska, Inga Ciproviča
- Baktericīdo vielu un antivielu satura izvērtējums dažādās lauksaimniecības sistēmās turēto govju pienā = Evaluation of antibodies concentration in cow’s milk from different agricultural systems / Jeļena Zagorska, Inga Ciproviča, Velga Miķelsone
- The study of rheological property of functional fermented milk / Ilze Beitane, Inga Ciproviča
- The study of the reduction of cholesterol level in milk by probiotics / Ilze Beitāne, Inga Ciproviča
- Raudzētu piena produktu uzturvērtības paaugstināšanas iespējas = The possibility of improvement the nutritive value of fermented milk / Inga Ciproviča, Ilze Beitāne
- The changes of the concentrations of thiamin and riboflavin in milk enriched with prebiotics and probiotics / Ilze Beitāne, Inga Ciproviča
- The changes of milk constituents by probiotics and prebiotics during milk fermentation / I. Ciprovica, I. Beitane, D. Karklina
- An evaluation of microbiological contamination in Latvian organic milk / I. Ciproviča, J. Zakorska, I. Konošonoka
- The dynamics of growing of bifidobacterium lactis in substrate enriched with lactulose / Ilze Beitāne, Inga Ciproviča
- Bioprocessing and bioengineering : the course of the learning material for bachelor's and master's students and SOCRATUS/ERASMUS exchange programmes students specializing in food science and technology / Uldis Viesturs, Daina Kārkliņa, Inga Ciproviča ; Latvia University of Agriculture. Faculty of Food Technology.
- Investigations on microbiological spectrum in subclinical and clinical mastitis of dairy cows in Latvia / I. H. Konosonoka, A. Jemeljanovs, I. Ciprovica
- Sensory evaluation of new products : abstract / E.Strautniece, L.Ozola, D.Karklina, I.Ciprovica
- Sausi-saldēto pienskābes baktēriju koncentrātu pielietojums auzu hidrolizātu fermentācijā = Use of freeze-dried concentrate of lactic acid bacteria for the fermentation of oat product hydrolisats / V. Kreicbergs, D. Kārkliņa, L. Skudra, I. Ciproviča, I. Burtniece, A. Rukmanis
- Sausi-saldēto pienskābes baktēriju koncentrātu pielietojums auzu hidrolizātu fermentācijā = The use of freeze-dried concentrate of lactic acid bacteria for fermentation of oat products hydrolises / V.Kreicbergs, D.Kārkliņa, L.Skudra, I.Ciproviča ... [et al.]
- Piena pirmapstrādes, uzglabāšanas un transportēšanas ietekme uz piena mikrofloras kvalitatīvo un kvantitatīvo sastāvu = Influence of milk pre-treatment, storage and transportion on the quantity and type of microflora in raw milk / I. Ciproviča, L. Ozola
- Pētījumi par piena kvalitāti : disertācijas kopsavilkums Dr.inž. zinātniskā grāda iegūšanai = Investigation about milk quality = Исследования о качестве молока / Inga Ciproviča ; Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte. Pārtikas tehnoloģijas fak.
- Pētījumi par piena kvalitāti : disertācija inženierzinātņu doktora grāda iegūšanai Inženierzinātņu nozarē, pārtikas zinātņu apakšnozarē / Inga Ciproviča ; Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte. Pārtikas tehnoloģijas fakultāte.
- Influence of milk pre-treatment, storage and transportation on the somatic cell count in raw milk