Ingmārs Cinkmanis
Dr. sc. ing.Amats
- Pārtikas institūts - asociētais profesors; vadošais pētnieks
Pieņemšanas laiki
Pieņemšanas laiki nav norādīti.
Studiju kursi
Zinātniskās publikācijas
- Comparative analysis of japanese quince juice concentrate as a substitute for lemon juice concentrate: functional applications as a sweetener, acidifier, stabilizer, and flavoring agent / Vitalijs Radenkovs, Inta Krasnova, Ingmars Cinkmanis, Karina Juhnevica-Radenkova, Edgars Rubauskis, Dalija Seglina
- Impact of ozone exposure on the biochemical composition of wheat, broccoli, alfalfa, and radish seeds during germination / Ilze Bernate, Tatjana Kince, Vitalijs Radenkovs, Karina Juhnevica-Radenkova, Ingmars Cinkmanis, Juris Bruveris, Martins Sabovics
- Revolutionizing phenolic content determination in vegetable oils: a cutting-edge approach using smartphone-based image analysis / Sanita Vucane, Ingmars Cinkmanis, Karina Juhnevica-Radenkova, Martins Sabovics
- Elaboration of nanostructured levan-based colloid system as a biological alternative with antimicrobial activity for applications in the management of pathogenic microorganisms / Vitalijs Radenkovs, Anda Valdovska, Daiga Galina, Stefan Cairns, Dmitrijs Jakovlevs, Sergejs Gaidukovs, Ingmars Cinkmanis, Karina Juhnevica-Radenkova
- Dehidrēta medus iegūšana un kvalitāte = Production and Quality of Dehydrated Honey : promocijas darbs zinātnes doktora (Ph.D) grāda iegūšanai pārtikas un dzērienu tehnoloģijās / Anete Ķeķe ; promocijas darba vadītājs Ingmārs Cinkmanis ; Latvijas Biozinātņu un tehnoloģiju universitāte. Pārtikas tehnoloģijas fakultāte. Ķīmijas katedra.
- Application of mathematical modeling as a tool in the use of rye malt to balance the quality of rye flour/ Ruta Murniece, Egils Stalidzans, Ilona Dabina-Bicka, Ruta Galoburda, Ingmars Cinkmanis, Dace Klava
- Dehidrēta medus iegūšana un kvalitāte : promocijas darba kopsavilkums zinātnes doktora (Ph.D.) zinātniskā grāda iegūšanai pārtikas un dzērienu tehnoloģijās = Production and Quality of Dehydrated Honey : summary of the doctoral thesis for aquiring a doctor of science (Ph.D.) in food and beverage technologies / Anete Ķeķe ; promocijas darba vadītājs Ingmārs Cinkmanis ; darba recenzenti: Ruta Galoburda, Dalija Segliņa, Dr.chem. Artūrs Vīksna ; Latvijas Biozinātņu un tehnoloģiju universitāte. Pārtikas tehnoloģijas fakultāte.
- Changes in the content of phenolic compounds in honey after spray drying = Izmaiņas fenolu savienojumu saturā pēc medus kaltēšanas izsmidzināšanas kaltē / Anete Ķeķe, Ingmārs Cinkmanis
- Evaluation of the phenolic profile of bear’s garlic (Allium Ursinum L.) leaves / Ingmārs Cinkmanis, Ingrīda Augšpole, Irina Sivicka, Sanita Vucāne
- Physicochemical parameters of horseradish (Armoracia rusticana L.) juice microcapsules / Lolita Tomsone, Vanessa Durrieu, Zanda Kruma, Ruta Galoburda, Ingmars Cinkmanis, Thierry Talou
- The authenticity of vegetable oil using smartphone-based image / Sanita Vucane, Ingmars Cinkmanis, Lauris Leitans, Martins Sabovics
- Changes in phenolic profile and antioxidant activity of horseradish roots during freezing and frozen storage = Mārrutku sakņu fenolu profila un antioksidantu aktivitātes izmaiņas, sasaldējot un uzglabājot sasaldētā veidā / Lolita Tomsone, Ruta Galoburda, Zanda Krūma, Ingmārs Cinkmanis
- Comparison of individual phenolic compounds in freeze-dried and spray-dried honey powders / Anete Keke, Ingmars Cinkmanis
- Colorimetric measurements of vegetable oils by smartphone-based image analysis = Augu eļļu kolorimetriskie mērījumi ar viedtālrunī bāzētu attēlu analīzi / Sanita Vucāne, Ingmars Cinkmanis, Mārtiņš Šabovics
- Analysis of 18 free amino acids in honeybee and bumblebee honey from Eastern and Northern Europe and Central Asia using Hplc-Esi-Tq-Ms/Ms approach bypassing derivatization step / Fredijs Dimins, Ingmars Cinkmanis, Vitalijs Radenkovs, Ingrida Augspole, Anda Valdovska
- Dažādu fenolu savienojumu saturs kameņu medū = Content of various phenolic compounds in bumblebee honey / Fredijs Dimiņš, Ingmārs Cinkmanis, Anete Ķeķe, Ingrīda Augšpole
- Dažādu fenolu savienojumu saturs kameņu un bišu medū = Content of various phenolic compounds in bumblebee and bee honey / Fredijs Dimiņš, Ingmārs Cinkmanis, Ingrīda Augšpole, Anete Ķeķe
- Impact of the roast level on chemical composition of coffee from Colombia = Grauzdēšanas procesa ietekme uz kolumbijas kafijas ķīmisko sastāvu / Ilze Laukalēja, Zanda Krūma, Ingmars Cinkmanis
- Determination of total phenolic content in vegetable oils by smartphone-based image analysis / Sanita Vucane, Ingmars Cinkmanis, Martins Sabovics
- Phenolic compounds in organic and conventional winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) wholemeal / Ingrīda Augšpole, Anda Liniņa, Ingmārs Cinkmanis, Sanita Vucāne
- Fermentation of milk whey permeate with different dairy propionibacteria strains / Unigunde Antone, Janis Liepins, Jelena Zagorska, Ingmars Cinkmanis
- Content of various phenolic compounds in bumblebee honey / Fredijs Dimins, Ingmārs Cinkmanis, Anete Keke, Ingrida Augspole
- Total phenolic content and antiradical activity of honey powders / Anete Keke, Ingmars Cinkmanis
- Determination of total phenolic content in vegetable oils by smartphone-based image analysis / Sanita Vucane, Ingmars Cinkmanis, Martins Sabovics
- Bioloģiski aktīvu savienojumu noteikšana augu eļļās ar viedtālrunī iegūtu attēlu analīzi = Determination of biologically active compounds in vegetable oils by smartphone image analysis / Sanita Vucāne, Ingmārs Cinkmanis, Mārtiņš Šabovics
- Smartphone-based fluorescence analysis of vegetable oils / Sanita Vucane, Ingmars Cinkmanis, Martins Sabovics
- Evaluation of phenolic profile of bear's garlic (Allium ursinum L.) / Ingmārs Cinkmanis, Ingrida Augspole, Irina Sivicka, Sanita Vucane
- Application of acid whey for lactobionic acid production / Vikram Reddy Narala, Jelena Zagorska, Ingmars Cinkmanis
- Total phenolic content and antioxidant activity of honey powder / Anete Keke, Ingmars Cinkmanis
- Phenolic and volatile compounds in horseradish roots juice and pomace / Ruta Galoburda, Lolita Tomsone, Zanda Kruma, Ingmars Cinkmanis
- Comparison of individual phenolic compounds in freeze-dried and spray-dried honey powders / Anete Keke, Ingmars Cinkmanis
- Changes in α-amylase activity in honey during the freeze-drying process / A. Keke, I. Cinkmanis
- Changes in phenolic content of honey during spray-drying process / A. Keke, I. Cinkmanis
- The novel solution for acid whey permeate application in animal feeding / Jana Lakstina, Inese Aboltina, Liga Vanaga, Inga Ciprovica, Daina Jonkus, Jelena Zagorska, Ingmars Cinkmanis
- Phenolic compounds in organic and conventional winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) wholemeal / I. Augšpole, A. Liniņa, I. Cinkmanis, S. Vucāne
- Colorimetric measurements of vegetable oils by smartphone-based image analysis/ S. Vucāne, I. Cinkmanis, M. Sabovics
- Characterization of dried horseradish leaves pomace: phenolic compounds profile and antioxidant capacity, content of organic acids, pigments and volatile compounds / Lolita Tomsone, Ruta Galoburda, Zanda Kruma, Ingmars Cinkmanis
- Impact of the roast level on chemical composition in coffee from Colombia / I. Laukaleja, Z. Krūma, I. Cinkmanis
- Phenolic composition and antioxidant activity of frozen horseradish roots during storage / L. Tomsone, R. Galoburda, Z. Krūma, I. Cinkmanis
- α-amylase activity in freeze-dried and spray-dried honey / Anete Keke, Ingmars Cinkmanis
- Smartphone-based colorimetric determination of DPPH free radical scavenging activity in vegetable oils / Sanita Vucane, Martins Sabovics, Lauris Leitans, Ingmars Cinkmanis
- Microencapsulation of horseradish (Armoracia rusticana L.) juice using spray-drying / Lolita Tomsone, Ruta Galoburda, Zanda Kruma, Vanessa Durrieu, Ingmars Cinkmanis
- Changes in α-amylase activity in honey during the freeze-drying process / A. Keke, I. Cinkmanis
- Rheological properties of lactose-free yoghurt in relation to enzyme concentrations / Jamshidbek Khabibullaev, Jelena Zagorska, Ruta Galoburda, Ingmars Cinkmanis
- Optimization of freeze-drying process and packaging solutions for melon shelf life / Sandra Muizniece-Brasava, Ingmars Cinkmanis, Ieva Viluma, Asnate Kirse-Ozolina, Aivars Aboltins
- Extraction of pectin from apple pomace / Ingmars Cinkmanis, Sandra Muizniece-Brasava, Ieva Viluma, Sanita Vucane, Aivars Aboltins, Anete Keke
- Total phenolic and flavonoid content, antioxidant activity, and colour of honey samples from Latvian market / Anete Keke, Ingmars Cinkmanis
- Digestibility of buckwheat starch / Gita Krumina-Zemture, Ilze Beitane, Ingmars Cinkmanis, Asnate Kirse-Ozolina, Martins Sabovics
- Analysis of organic acids in herbal and fruit syrups by liquid chromatography / Ingmars Cinkmanis, Ingrida Augspole, Sanita Vucane, Fredijs Dimins
- Effect of different salts on pseudomonas taetrolens' ability to lactobionic acid production / I. Sarenkova, I. Ciprovica, I. Cinkmanis
- Development of symbiotic interactions in the faba bean (Vicia faba L.) roots / L. Dubova, A. Senberga, I. Alsina, L. Strauta, I. Cinkmanis
- The impact of the roasting process on chemical composition and sensory profile in specialty coffee from Colombia / I. Laukaleja, Z. Kruma, I. Cinkmanis
- The optimization of acid whey permeate hydrolysis for glucose-galactose syrup production / Ramazon Samadov, Inga Ciprovica, Kristine Zolnere, Ingmars Cinkmanis
- Analysis of organic acids in herbal and fruit syrups by liquid chromatography / Ingmars Cinkmanis, Ingrida Augspole, Sanita Vucane, Fredijs Dimins
- The effect of concentrated whey solids on lactobionic acid production by Pseudomonas taetrolens / Inga Sarenkova, Inga Ciprovica, Ingmars Cinkmanis
- Rheological properties of lactose-free yoghurt in relation to enzyme concentrations / Jamshidbek Khabibullaev, Jelena Zagorska, Ruta Galoburda, Ingmars Cinkmanis
- The study of the effect of acid whey pH on lactobionic acid production by pseudomonas taetrolens / I. Sarenkova, I. Ciprovica, I. Cinkmanis
- Development of symbiotic interactions in the faba bean (Vicia faba L.) roots / L. Dubova, A. Senberga, I. Alsina, L. Strauta, I. Cinkmanis
- Juglone content in leaf, stem, nut shells and pulp of Latvian black walnut and butternut / Ingmars Cinkmanis, Velga Mikelsone, Anete Keke, Lita Marlena Fisere
- The optimization of acid whey permeate hydrolysis for glucose-galactose syrup production / Ramazon Samadov, Inga Ciprovica, Jamshidbek Khabibullaev, Ingmars Cinkmanis
- Determination of organic acids in honey samples from Latvian market by high-performance liquid chromatography / Anete Keke, Ingmars Cinkmanis
- Relationship of compositional, mechanical and textural properties of extruded pasta containing specific varieties of quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa) / Jose M. Ramos-Diaz, Ingmars Cinkmanis, Tatjana Kince, Martins Sabovics, Evita Straumite, Kintija Petrova, Dace Klava, Göker Gürbüz, Kirsi Jouppila
- Sensory profile and phenolic compound composition of specialty coffees from three different regions / I. Laukaleja, Z. Kruma, I. Cinkmanis
- Valorisation of dried horseradish press cakes as a potential for value-added products / L. Tomsone, Z. Kruma, A. Kirse, R. Galoburda, I. Cinkmanis
- Effects of extraction methods and solvent on the content of phenolic compounds in horseradish roots extracts / Lolita Tomsone, Zanda Kruma, Ingmars Cinkmanis
- Herbal teas as a rich source of phenolic compounds / Ingrīda Augšpole, Māra Dūma, Ingmārs Cinkmanis, Baiba Ozola
- Changes in the nutritional value of breakfast cereals containing germinated spring grain flakes during storage / Z. Kruma, R. Galoburda, L. Tomsone, I. Gramatina, S. Senhofa, E. Straumite, D. Klava, T. Kince, I. Cinkmanis, J. Zagorska, D. Kunkulberga
- Flavonoids and total phenolic content in extruded buckwheat products with sweet and salty taste / G. Krumina–Zemture, I. Beitane, I. Cinkmanis
- A study of commercial β-galactosidase stability under simulated in vitro gastric conditions / K. Žolnere, I. Ciproviča, A. Ķirse, I. Cinkmanis
- Comparative study of dark beer before and after freeze drying rehydration cycle = Pētījums par tumšā alus rehidratācijas salīdzināšanu pirms un pēc liofīlās žāvēšanas cikla / Ingmārs Cinkmanis, Guntis Gailums, Sanita Vucāne
- Phenolics content in buckwheat flour = Fenolu saturs griķu miltos / Ilze Beitāne, Gita Krūmiņa-Zemture, Zanda Krūma, Ingmārs Cinkmanis
- Changes in the nutritional value of breakfast cereals containing germinated spring grain flakes during storage / Z. Kruma, R. Galoburda, L. Tomsone, I. Gramatina, S. Senhofa, E. Straumite, D. Klava, T. Kince, I. Cinkmanis, J. Zagorska, D. Kunkulberga
- A study of commercial β-galactosidase stability under simulated in vitro gastric conditions / K. Žolnere, I. Ciproviča, A. Ķirse, I. Cinkmanis
- Comparison of phenolic compounds in fermented and unfermented herb of Epilobium angustifolium (Fireweed) / Ingmars Cinkmanis, Guntis Gailums, Sanita Vucane
- Flavonoids and total phenolic content in extruded buckwheat products with sweet and salty taste / G. Krumina–Zemture, I. Beitane, I. Cinkmanis
- Effect of various thermal treatments on the quality and digestibility of vegetables / Asnate Kirse, Marta Daukste, Ingmars Cinkmanis
- The changes of horseradish biologically active compounds and their bioavailability in an in vitro model of the human gastrointestinal tract / L. Tomsone, Z. Kruma, I. Cinkmanis, A. Kirse, R. Galoburda
- Herbal teas as a rich source of phenolic compounds / Ingrīda Augšpole, Māra Dūma, Ingmārs Cinkmanis, Baiba Ozola
- Quality and safety evaluation of breakfast cereals made from triticale and/or hull-less spring cereals / Dace Klava, Zanda Kruma, Ilze Gramatina, Evita Straumite, Tatjana Kince, Ruta Galoburda, Ingmars Cinkmanis, Santa Senhofa, Martins Sabovics, Irisa Murniece, Jelena Zagorska, Lolita Tomsone
- Changes of polyphenol compound concentrations in hybrids of nante type carrots during storage = Polifenolu savienojumu izmaiņas uzglabāšanas laikā nante tipa burkānos / Ingrīda Augšpole, Tatjana Kince, Ingmārs Cinkmanis
- Bioactive compounds of steam-blanched and differently dried onions / Liga Priecina, Daina Karklina, Ingmars Cinkmanis
- Phenolic profile of fresh and frozen nettle, goutweed, dandelion, and chickweed leaves / Ingrida Augspole, Mara Duma, Baiba Ozola, Ingmars Cinkmanis
- Influence of lyophilization and convective type drying on antioxidant properties, total phenols and flavonoids in pollens / Ingmars Cinkmanis, Fredijs Dimins, Velga Mikelsone
- Anti-aging compounds in Latvian wild growing plant of Fallopia japonica / Ingmars Cinkmanis, Annamarija Grava
- Influence of selenium, copper and zinc on phenolic compounds in rye malt / Kristina Antonenko, Viesturs Kreicbergs, Ingmars Cinkmanis
- Influence of brewing method to phenolic composition in specialty coffees / I. Laukaleja, Z. Kruma, I. Cinkmanis
- Influence of selenium, copper and zinc on phenolic compounds in rye malt / Kristina Antonenko, Viesturs Kreicbergs, Ingmars Cinkmanis
- Phenolic profile of fresh and frozen nettle, goutweed, dandelion and chickweed leaves / Ingrida Augspole, Mara Duma, Baiba Ozola, Ingmars Cinkmanis
- Influence of lyophilization and convective type drying on antioxidant properties, total phenols and flavonoids in pollens / Ingmars Cinkmanis, Fredijs Dimins, Velga Mikelsone
- Anti-aging compounds in Latvian wild growing plant of Fallopia japonica / Ingmars Cinkmanis, Annamarija Grava
- Germinated grains performance in cereal flakes production / Tatjana Kince, Evita Straumite, Zanda Kruma, Martins Sabovics, Ruta Galoburda, Santa Senhofa, Ingmars Cinkmanis, Lolita Tomsone, Ilze Gramatina
- Effects of germination of chemical composition of hull-less spring cereals / Santa Senhofa, Tatjana Ķince, Ruta Galoburda, Ingmars Cinkmanis, Martins Sabovics, Ievina Sturite
- Comparative study of beverage: before and after freeze drying rehydration cycle / I. Cinkmanis, G. Gailums
- Integrated assessment on varieties of Viburnum opulus / Liene Ozola, Solvita Kampuse, Ingmārs Cinkmanis, Jana Apše
- Comparative evaluation of lovage and horseradish phenolic extracts for acrylamide reduction in food / A. Maksima, Z. Kruma, I. Cinkmanis, S. Kampuse, L. Tomsone, E. Ivanisova
- Phenolic content in buckwheat flours / I. Beitane, G. Krumina-Zemture, Z. Kruma, I. Cinkmanis
- Comparison of laboratory-scale and commercial ciders / Rita Riekstina-Dolge, Zanda Kruma, Ingmārs Cinkmanis
- Phenolic compounds in fresh and processed vegetables and spices / Liga Priecina, Daina Karklina, Ingmars Cinkmanis.
- Starch breakdown and formation of sugars during triticale grains germination / T. Rakcejeva, D. Klava, I. Cinkmanis, R. Galoburda, E. Straumite
- Starch breakdown and formation of sugars during triticale grains germination / Tatjana Rakcejeva, Dace Klava, Ingmars Cinkmanis, Ruta Galoburda, Evita Straumite, Arta Kronberga
- Immature hull-less barley grain application in functional dairy product / Jelena Zagorska, Daina Karklina, Ingmars Cinkmanis, Agnese Vecstaudza, Liga Skudra
- Immature hull-less barley grain application in functional dairy product / J. Zagorska, D. Karklina, I. Cinkmanis, A. Vecstaudza, L. Skudra
- Comparative study of total phenols and antiradical activity in various types of coffee before and after processing / Baiba Brakovska, Irisa Murniece, Zanda Kruma, Ingmars Cinkmanis
- Influence of Oenococcus oeni and oak chips on the chemical composition and sensory properties of cider / Rita Riekstina-Dolge, Zanda Kruma, Ingmars Cinkmanis, Evita Straumite, Martins Sabovics, Lolita Tomsone
- Netradicionālas izejvielas alus ražošanai : promocijas darba kopsavilkums inženierzinātņu doktora zinātniskā grāda iegūšanai Pārtikas zinātnes nozarē = Untraditional raw materials for beer production : summary of Doctoral thesis for obtaining the Doctor's degree of Engineering Sciences in Food Science / Ingmārs Cinkmanis ; [promocijas darba vadītāja Ilze Čakste] ; Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte. Pārtikas tehnoloģijas fakultāte.
- Netradicionālas izejvielas alus ražošanai : promocijas darbs inženierzinātņu doktora zinātniskā grāda iegūšanai pārtikas zinātnes nozarē / Ingmārs Cinkmanis ; promocijas darba zinātniskā vadītāja Ilze Čakste ; Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte. Pārtikas tehnoloģijas fakultāte. Ķīmijas katedra.
- Investigation of colour intensity and sugars content changes in shredded carrots treated with hydrogen peroxide during storage = Исследование изменения сахаров и цвета тёртой моркови, обработанной перикисью водорода в процессе хранения / I. Augspole, T. Rakcejeva, I. Cinkmanis, L. Dukalska
- Sugars, total carotenoids and phenols in microwave-vacuum drier processed vegetables and spices / L. Priecina, D. Karklina, T. Rakcejeva, I. Cinkmanis
- Berry and fruit juices as potential untraditional acidity regulators in beer mashing / Ingmārs Cinkmanis, Sanita Vucāne, Ilze Čakste
- Berry and fruit juices as potential untraditional acidity regulators in mashing / Ingmars Cinkmanis, Sanita Vucane, Ilze Cakste
- Исследование образования 5—(гидроксиметил) фурфурола в соке черники / Ингрида Аугшполе, Илзе Чаксте, Ингмарс Цинкманис
- Bioactive compounds in Latvian wild berry juice = Биологически активные соединения соков дикорастущих ягод Латвии / Ilze Cakste, Mara Kuka, Ingrida Augspole, Ingmars Cinkmanis, Peteris Kuka
- Influence of Oenococcus oeni and oak chips on the chemical composition and sensory properties of cider / Rita Riekstina-Dolge, Zanda Kruma, Ingmars Cinkmanis, Evita Straumite, Martins Sabovics, Lolita Tomsone
- Alus dzērienu sensorais novērtējums = Sensory evaluation of beer drinks / Ingmars Cinkmanis, Evita Straumite, Ilze Cakste
- Preservation of carrots quality treated with hydrogen peroxide = Сохранение качества моркови путем использования перекиси водорода / I. Augspole, T. Rakcejeva, I. Cinkmanis, L. Dukalska
- Nutritional value and sensory properties of yoghurt enriched with barley grains and malt extract / Ilze Beitane, Evita Straumite, Ingmars Cinkmanis
- Preservation of shredded carrots by treatment with ozonated water / Ingrida Augspole, Tatjana Rakcejeva, Liga Skudra, Ingmars Cinkmanis
- Investigation of colour intensity and sugars content changes in shredded carrots treated with hydrogen peroxide during storage = Исследование изменения сахаров и цвета тёртой моркови обработанной перекисью водорода в процессе хранения / I. Augspole, T. Rakcejeva, I. Cinkmanis, L. Dukalska