Jeļena Zagorska
Dr. sc. ing.Amats
- Pārtikas institūts - asociētā profesore; vadošā pētniece
Pieņemšanas laiki
- P 14:00 - 15:00, 218.kab.
- O 14:00 - 15:00, 218 kab.
Studiju kursi
- Piena pārstrādes tehnoloģija
- Pārtikas produktu tehnoloģijas pamati
- Pārtikas derīguma termiņš
- Pārtikas derīguma analīze
- Pārtikas zinātne
- Piens, tā pārstrāde
- Pārtikas produktu tehnoloģijas pamati
Zinātniskās publikācijas
- Advancements in camel milk drying technology: a comprehensive review of methods, chemical composition, and nutritional preservation / Ayaulym Rakhmatulina, Fatima Dikhanbayeva, Dinara Tlevlessova, Jelena Zagorska, Nurbek Aralbayev, Kristine Majore, Aidana Yessenova
- Development of curd for children from sheep milk with berries: improvement of nutritional and functional properties / Dinara Tlevlessova, Assan Ospanov, Jelena Zagorska, Raushan Makeeva, Dinara Nurmukhanbetova, Asel Mambeshova
- Physical, rheological and nutritional properties of plant-based frozen dessert / Jelena Zagorska, Bella Laura Stamere, Ruta Galoburda, Inga Ciprovica, Evita Strausa
- The impact of biotechnologically produced lactobionic acid on laying hens’ productivity and egg quality during early laying period / Jelena Zagorska, Diana Ruska, Vitalijs Radenkovs, Karina Juhnevica-Radenkova, Tatjana Kince, Ruta Galoburda, Ilze Gramatina
- Analysis of fatty acids and antibacterial whey proteins in organic and conventional milk: potential influence on lactic acid bacteria growth / Stefanija Sabunevica, Vitalijs Radenkovs, Kristīne Majore, Jeļena Zagorska
- Macroelement seasonal variations in Latvian organic milk / Jana Lakstiņa, Inga Ciproviča , Jeļena Zagorska
- Organic milk as medium for lactic acid bacteria growth: a review / Stefanija Sabunevica, Jelena Zagorska
- The impact of biotechnologically produced lactobionic acid in the diet of lactating dairy cows on their performance and quality traits of milk / Diana Ruska, Vitalijs Radenkovs, Karina Juhnevica-Radenkova, Daina Rubene, Inga Ciprovica, Jelena Zagorska
- Downstream approach routes for the purification and recovery of lactobionic acid / Inga Sarenkova, Sara Sáez-Orviz, Manuel Rendueles, Inga Ciprovica, Jelena Zagorska, Mario Díaz
- Acid whey valorization for biotechnological lactobionic acid bio-production / Vikram R. Narala, Jelena Zagorska, Inga Sarenkova, Inga Ciprovica, Kristine Majore
- Siera tirdzniecības nosaukums un tā interpretācija: Tilzītes pret Krievijas / Rita Riekstiņa-Dolģe, Jeļena Zagorska
- Effects of lactobionic acid on pig growth performance and chemical composition of pork / Jelena Zagorska, Lilija Degola, lvars Strazdins, Ilze Gramatina, Tatjana Kince, Ruta Galoburda
- Physicochemical and rheological properties of non-fat ice cream = Beztauku saldējuma fizikāli ķīmiskās un reoloģiskās īpašibas / Karīna Silantjeva, Jeļena Zagorska, Ruta Galoburda
- Application of lactobionic acid in ice cream production / Jelena Zagorska, Ieva Paeglite, Ruta Galoburda
- Brīvas turēšanas lauku vistu olu kvalitātes parametri = Free-range hens’ eggs quality traits / Jeļena Zagorska, Diāna Ruska, Dace Pastare, Vitālijs Radenkovs, Ilze Grāmatiņa
- Fermentation of milk whey permeate with different dairy propionibacteria strains / Unigunde Antone, Janis Liepins, Jelena Zagorska, Ingmars Cinkmanis
- Application of hull-less barley variety 'Kornelija' grains for yogurt development / Diāna Dancīte, Jeļena Zagorska, Vita Šterna
- Laktobionskābes šķīduma iekļaušana slaucamo govju barībā = Inclusion of lactobionic acid in the diet of dairy cows / Diana Ruska, Jeļena Zagorska, Inga Ciproviča, Jana Zegrja, Viesturs Krilovs
- Laktobionskābes piedeva cūku barībā = Lactobionic acid in pig feed / Lilija Degola, Jeļena Zagorska, Ilgvars Strazdiņš
- Inactivation and recovery of bacterial strains, individually and mixed, in milk after high pressure processing / Jelena Zagorska, Ruta Galoburda, Svetlana Raita, Marika Liepa
- Strukturētas zivju masas un to produktu ražošanas rokasgrāmata : ražošanas tehnoloģija, ekonomiskie aprēķini / M. Šabovics, S. Muižniece-Brasava, I. Grāmatiņa, S. Sazonova, T. Ķince [un vēl 7 autori] ; Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte sadarbībā ar FoodTech Baltija SIA.
- The novel solution for acid whey permeate application in animal feeding / Jana Lakstina, Inese Aboltina, Liga Vanaga, Inga Ciprovica, Daina Jonkus, Jelena Zagorska, Ingmars Cinkmanis
- Rheological properties of lactose-free yoghurt in relation to enzyme concentrations / Jamshidbek Khabibullaev, Jelena Zagorska, Ruta Galoburda, Ingmars Cinkmanis
- Acceptance of low-sugar yoghurt among Latvian teenagers / J. Zagorska, I. Ciprovica, E. Straumite, K. Majore
- A food-grade antioxidant production using industrial potato peel by–products / I. Sepelevs, J. Zagorska, R. Galoburda
- Lactobionic acid potential in ice cream production / I. Paeglite, J. Zagorska, R. Galoburda
- Physicochemical and rheological properties of non-fat ice cream / K. Silantjeva, J. Zagorska, R. Galoburda
- Application of barley variety ‘Kornelija’ in development of fermented dairy products / D. Dancite, J. Zagorska, T. Ķince, V. Šterna
- Preliminary study of bovine colostrum quality in Latvia / Svetlana Baltrukova, Jelena Zagorska, Indra Eihvalde
- Rheological properties of lactose-free yoghurt in relation to enzyme concentrations / Jamshidbek Khabibullaev, Jelena Zagorska, Ruta Galoburda, Ingmars Cinkmanis
- Evaluation of microbiological quality of colostrum / Svetlana Baltrukova, Jelena Zagorska, Indra Eihvalde
- Physicochemical characteristic of two cold-pressed seed oils: Japanese quince vs. sunflower / Inga Misina, Anda Valdovska, Jelena Zagorska, Elise Urvaka, Karina Juhnevica-Radenkova, Pawel Gornas
- Rheological and textural properties of lactose-free yogurt in relation to enzyme concentrations / Jamshidbek Khabibullaev, Jelena Zagorska, Ruta Galoburda
- Innovative structured fish meat products from Baltic sprat (Sprattus Sprattus Balticus) / Sandra Muizniece-Brasava, Asnate Kirse-Ozolina, Ilze Gramatina, Inga Ciprovica, Andrey Gorbatovskiy, Sanita Sazonova, Evita Straumite, Zanda Kruma, Martins Sabovics, Daiga Kunkulberga, Janina Kivite, Tatjana Kince, Jelena Zagorska
- Innovative structured fish mass products from Baltic sprat (Sprattus sprattus balticus Schneider) / Sandra Muizniece-Brasava, Asnate Kirse-Ozolina, Ilze Gramatina, Andrey Gorbatovskiy, Sanita Sazonova, Evita Straumite, Zanda Kruma, Inga Ciprovica, Martins Sabovics, Daiga Kunkulberga, Janina Kivite, Tatjana Kince, Jelena Zagorska
- Evaluation of microbiological quality of colostrum / Svetlana Baltrukova, Jelena Zagorska, Indra Eihvalde
- Physicochemical properties of milk whey based ice cream / Karina Silantjeva, Jelena Zagorska, Ruta Galoburda
- Changes in the nutritional value of breakfast cereals containing germinated spring grain flakes during storage / Z. Kruma, R. Galoburda, L. Tomsone, I. Gramatina, S. Senhofa, E. Straumite, D. Klava, T. Kince, I. Cinkmanis, J. Zagorska, D. Kunkulberga
- Recovery of Staphylococcus aureus 25923 in high pressure treated milk during storage / Ruta Galoburda, Jelena Zagorska, Marika Liepa, Svetlana Baltrukova
- Effect of High pressure on Survival and Growth of Pathogens in UHT Whole milk / Jeļena Zagorska, Liepa , Ruta Galoburda, Svetlana Baltrukova.
- Influence of different starters on monosaccharides concentration in lactose free yoghurt production / Jelena Zagorska, Inga Ciprovica, Liana Murane
- Survival of pathogens in high pressure processed milk / Marika Liepa, Svetlana Baltrukova, Jelena Zagorska, Ruta Galoburda
- Changes in the nutritional value of breakfast cereals containing germinated spring grain flakes during storage / Z. Kruma, R. Galoburda, L. Tomsone, I. Gramatina, S. Senhofa, E. Straumite, D. Klava, T. Kince, I. Cinkmanis, J. Zagorska, D. Kunkulberga
- Effect of high-pressure processing on microbial quality of skimmed milk = Augstā spiediena ietekme uz vājpiena mikrobioloģisko kvalitāti / Marika Liepa, Jelena Zagorska, Ruta Galoburda, Svetlana Kostascuka
- Inactivation of pathogens in milk by high pressure processing / Marika Liepa, Jelena Zagorska, Ruta Galoburda, Svetlana Baltrukova
- Rheological properties of milk whey based ice cream / Karina Silantjeva, Jelena Zagorska, Ruta Galoburda
- Milk as an essential source of iodine in Latvian population = Piena produktu loma joda deficīta traucējumu profilaksē / Lolita Vija Neimane, Ilze Konrade, Gita Avotiņa, Aneka Klaviņa, Jeļena Zagorska, Inese Martinsone, Vinita Cauce, Ieva Kalere, Vincenzo Baylon, Aivars Lejnieks
- Quality and safety evaluation of breakfast cereals made from triticale and/or hull-less spring cereals / Dace Klava, Zanda Kruma, Ilze Gramatina, Evita Straumite, Tatjana Kince, Ruta Galoburda, Ingmars Cinkmanis, Santa Senhofa, Martins Sabovics, Irisa Murniece, Jelena Zagorska, Lolita Tomsone
- Characterisation of sensory properties in high-pressure-treated milk / Marika Liepa, Jelena Zagorska, Ruta Galoburda, Evita Straumite, Zanda Kruma, Martins Sabovics
- Sensory properties of high-pressure-treated milk / Marika Liepa, Jelena Zagorska, Ruta Galoburda, Evita Straumite, Zanda Kruma, Martins Sabovics
- The influence of k-casein genotype on the coagulation properties of milk collected from the local Latvian cow breeds / S. Petrovska, D. Jonkus, J. Zagorska, I. Ciprovica
- Effect of high pressure processing on physicochemical parameters of cow’s milk / Marika Liepa, Jelena Zagorska, Ruta Galoburda
- Latvijā audzēto slaucamo govju piena koagulācijas īpašību analīze laktācijas laikā = Analysis of milk coagulation properties during lactation of dairy cows grown in Latvia / Solvita Petrovska, Daina Jonkus, Jeļena Zagorska, Inga Ciproviča
- The influence of k-casein genotype on the coagulation properties of milk collected from the local Latvian cow breeds / S. Petrovska, D. Jonkus, J. Zagorska, I. Ciprovica
- Gaļas mikrobioloģisko kvalitātes rādītāju izmaiņas nogatavināšanas laikā = The change of microbiological parameters during meat ageing / Ilze Grāmatiņa, Raitis Krasnobajs, Līga Skudra, Jeļena Zagorska
- The influence of kappa-casein and beta-lactoglobulin genotypes on milk coagulation properties in Latvia dairy breed / Solvita Petrovska, Daina Jonkus, Jelena Zagorska, Inga Ciprovica
- Effect of high pressure processing on milk coagulation properties / Marika Liepa, Jelena Zagorska, Ruta Galoburda
- The potential of Latvian cows’ breeds on cheesemaking / I. Ciprovica, J. Zagorska, S. Petrovska
- Evaluation of iodine concentration in cow milk in Latvia / L. V. Neimane, I. Konrade, G. Avotina, A. Klavina, J. Zagorska, I. Martinsone, V. Cauce, V. Baylon, A. Lejnieks
- High-pressure processing as novel technology in dairy industry: a review / Marika Liepa, Jelena Zagorska, Ruta Galoburda
- Effect of high-pressure processing on microbial quality of skimmed milk / M. Liepa, J. Zagorska, R. Galoburda, S. Kostascuka
- Evaluation of the quality parameters of germinated spring grain breakfast cereals during storage / S. Senhofa, D. Klava, L. Tomsone, Z. Kruma, I. Gramatina, E. Straumite, R. Galoburda, J. Zagorska
- Immature hull-less barley grain application in functional dairy product / J. Zagorska, D. Karklina, I. Cinkmanis, A. Vecstaudza, L. Skudra
- Effects of dairy cow diet supplementation with carrots on milk composition, concentration of cow blood serum carotenes and butter oil fat-soluble antioxidative substances / U. Antone, J. Zagorska, V., Sterna, A. Jemeljanovs, A. Berzins, D. Ikauniece
- Effects of dairy cow diet supplementation with carrots on milk composition, concentration of cow blood serum carotenes, and butter oil fat-soluble antioxidative substances / U. Antone, J. Zagorska, V. Sterna, A. Jemeljanovs, A. Berzins, D. Ikauniece
- Immature hull-less barley grain application in functional dairy product / Jelena Zagorska, Daina Karklina, Ingmars Cinkmanis, Agnese Vecstaudza, Liga Skudra
- Chemical composition of cottage cheese enriched with flakes from germinated wheat grains / Jelena Zagorska, Tatjana Rakcejeva, Elina Zvezdina
- Evaluation of butter oil oxidative stability and nutritional value affected by cow feeding / Unigunde Antone, Vita Sterna, Jelena Zagorska
- Immunoglobulin concentration changes in dairy cows colostrum during storage of frozen / Indra Eihvalde, Daina Kairiša, Jeļena Zagorska, Ilze Grāmatiņa
- Evaluation of factors affecting freezing point of milk / Jelena Zagorska, Inga Ciprovica
- Effect of the Addition of Chitosans with Different Molecular Structure on Fermentation Process and Viscosity Changes During Sour Cream Storage [elektroniskais resurss] / Jelena Zagorska, Alexander Pelnik, Garry Kerch