Unigunde Antone
Dr. sc. ing.Amats
- Pārtikas institūts - pētniece
Pieņemšanas laiki
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Zinātniskās publikācijas
- Antimicrobial effects of fermentation broths from propionic acid bacteria on selected food-borne pathogens / Unigunde Antone, Inga Ciprovica, Maksims Zolovs, Janis Liepins
- Piena paskābināšanas pētījumi / Unigunde Antone, Indra Eihvalde
- Whey permeate-derived milk acidifier for dairy calves / U. Antone, I. Eihvalde, L. Liepa, A. Ilgaza, M. Zolovs, J. Liepins
- Organic acid and biomass production of propionic acid bacteria grown in lactose and lactate-based broths / Unigunde Antone, Janis Liepins, Maksims Zolovs, Inga Ciprovica
- No sūkalām iegūta paskābinātāja ietekme uz piena teļu ēdināšanu, dzīvmasas pieaugumu un veselību = The influence of feed acidifier derived from whey on the feeding, growth indicators and health of dairy calves / Unigunde Antone, Indra Eihvalde, Laima Liepa, Aija Ilgaža
- Fermentation of milk whey permeate with different dairy propionibacteria strains / Unigunde Antone, Janis Liepins, Jelena Zagorska, Ingmars Cinkmanis
- No sūkalām iegūta paskābinātāja ietekme uz piena teļu ēdināšanu, dzīvmasas pieaugumu un veselību = The influence of feed acidifier derived from whey on the feeding, growth indicators and health of dairy calves / Unigunde Antone, Indra Eihvalde, Laima Liepa, Aija Ilgaža
- Effects of dairy cow diet supplementation with carrots on milk composition, concentration of cow blood serum carotenes, and butter oil fat-soluble antioxidative substances / U. Antone, J. Zagorska, V. Sterna, A. Jemeljanovs, A. Berzins, D. Ikauniece
- Effects of dairy cow diet supplementation with carrots on milk composition, concentration of cow blood serum carotenes and butter oil fat-soluble antioxidative substances / U. Antone, J. Zagorska, V., Sterna, A. Jemeljanovs, A. Berzins, D. Ikauniece
- Piena lipīdu stabilitāte : promocijas darba kopsavilkums inženierzinātņu doktora zinātniskā grāda iegūšanai pārtikas zinātnes nozarē / Unigunde Antone ; [promocijas darba zinātniskās vadītājas Vita Šterna, Jeļena Zagorska] ; Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte. Pārtikas tehnoloģijas fakultāte, Biotehnoloģijas un veterinārmedicīnas zinātniskais institūts "Sigra" = Milk lipid stability : summary of promotion work for acquiring the Doctor's degree of engineering sciences in sector of food sciences / Unigunde Antone ; [scientific supervisors Vita Šterna, Jeļena Zagorska] ; Latvia University of Agriculture. Faculty of Food technology, Research Institute of Biotechnology and Veterinary Medicine "Sigra".
- Evaluation of butter oil oxidative stability and nutritional value affected by cow feeding / Unigunde Antone, Vita Sterna, Jelena Zagorska
- Fatty acid composition of cow milk as affected by season / U. Antone
- Improvement of milk lipid dietary health indices: the impact of cow’s feed supplementation by carrots / Unigunde Antone, Aleksandrs Jemeļjanovs, Biruta Lujāne, Vita Šterna, Dace Vaska, Jeļena Zagorska
- Influence of spruce needle extractives feeding on broiler chicken meat composition / I. I. Vitina, V. Krastina, A. Jemeljanovs, I. H. Konosonoka, S. Cerina, V. Sterna, U. Antone, M. Daugavietis
- Evaluation of nutrition value of beaver meat obtained in Latvia wildlife / V. Strazdina, A. Jemeljanovs, V. Sterna, U. Antone
- Bioloģiski aktīvu barības vielu atsevišķu komponentu ietekme uz brieža gaļas bioķīmisko sastāvu = Impact of certain biologically active feed components on biochemical composition of venison / Vita Strazdiņa, Ināra Helēna Konošonoka, Vita Šterna, Unigunde Antone, Daina Ikauniece
- Piena lipīdu stabilitāte : promocijas darbs inženierzinātņu doktora (Dr.sc.ing.) zinātniskā grāda iegūšanai pārtikas zinātnes nozarē / Unigunde Antone ; promocijas darba zinātniskās vadītājas Vita Šterna, Jeļena Zagorska ; Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte. Pārtikas tehnoloģijas fakultāte. Pārtikas tehnoloģijas katedra, Biotehnoloģijas un veterinārmedicīnas zinātniskais institūts "Sigra".
- Improvement of cow’s milk fat nutritional value: potential of palm oil as source of natural antioxidants / Unigunde Antone, Vita Sterna, Jelena Zagorska
- Investigations into the enhancement of cow’s milk oxidative stability / Unigunde Antone, Vita Šterna, Jeļena Zagorska
- Enhancement of cow's milk fat oxidative stability: potential of carrots as source of natural antioxidants / Unigunde Antone, Vita Šterna, Jeļena Zagorska
- Fatty acid content in meat of Roman snails (Helix pomatia) in the natural and breeding populations in Latvia / D. Ikauniece. Jemeljanovs, U. Antone
- Carotenoid potential to protect cow’s milk fat against oxidative deterioration / U. Antone, V. Sterna, J. Zagorska
- Potential to increase the stability of milk riboflavin against photo-oxidative degradation / Unigunde Antone, Vita Sterna, Jelena Zagorska
- Evaluation of immunoglobulin and lysozyme concentration in milk enriched with carotenoids / J. Zagorska, U. Antone, V. Šterna, I. Ciproviča
- Evaluation of immunoglobulin and lysozyme concentration in milk enriched with carotenoids / J. Zagorska, U. Antone, V. Šterna, I. Ciproviča
- The influence of immunoglobulins on microbiological quality of milk / J. Zagorska, U. Antone, I. Ciprovica, I. Konosonoka, V. Sterna, I. Gramatina, S. Sarvi
- The influence of cow feed carotenoids on milk antimicrobial properties / U. Antone, A. Jemeļjanovs, V. Šterna, I. H. Konošonoka, J. Zagorska
- Potential to increase the stability of milk riboflavin against photo-oxidative degradation / Unigunde Antone, Vita Sterna, Jelena Zagorska
- Lopbarībā esošo karotinoīdu raksturojums un loma piena ieguvē = Carotenoids in feedstuffs and their role in milk production / Unigunde Antone, Aleksandrs Jemeļjanovs, Baiba Ošmane, Vita Šterna
- The influence of cow feed enriched with carrots on milk quality and nutritional value / Unigunde Antone, Vita Sterna, Jeļena Zagorska
- Comparison of carrots and red palm oil as source of carotenoids in feed / Vita Sterna, Aleksandrs Jemeljanovs, Inara H. Konosonoka, Unigunde Antone, Biruta Lujane, Rimma Anenkova
- Comparison of carrots and red palm oil as source of carotenoids in feed / V. Sterna, A. Jemeljanovs, I. H. Konosonoka, U. Antone, B. Lujane, R. Anenkova
- Opportunity to increase milk quality with biologically active substances / J. Miculis, A. Jemeljanovs, V. Sterna, I. H. Konosonoka, U. Antone, J. Zagorska
- Comparison of spectrophotometric methods for assessment of oxidation of milk fat / Unigunde Antone, Vita Šterna, Jeļena Zagorska
- Composition of cows milk fat in connection with carotenoids content in feed / Vita Sterna, A. Jemeljanovs, I. H. Konosonoka, U. Antone, B. Lujane
- Evaluation of fatty acid composition of deer (Cervus elaphus) meat produced on Latvia farms and wildlife = Оценка жирнокислого состава мяса дикого оленя и крупного рогатого скота Латвии / Vita Strazdina, Aleksandrs Jemeljanovs, Vita Sterna, Unigunde Antone
- Composition of cow milk lipids and factors influencing it / Unigunde Antone, Vita Sterna, Jelena Zagorska
- The influence of feed supplemented with carotenoids on antimicrobial proteins in milk / J. Zagorska, U. Antone, V. Šterna, I. Ciproviča