Zanda Krūma
Dr. sc. ing.Amats
- Pārtikas institūts - profesore (tenūra); vadošā pētniece
Pieņemšanas laiki
- P 15:00 - 16:00, 226 kab., Rīgas iela 22, Jelgava
Studiju kursi
Zinātniskās publikācijas
- Assessment of brewery spent grains composition depending on brewery size and technology applied / Elizabete Universa, Zanda Kruma, Tatjana Ķince, Ilona Dabiņa-Bicka, Andrejs Banis
- Evaluation of relationships between quality parameters of ground coffee and the sensory labels presented by producers / Z. Kruma, L. Zemlicka, E. Straumite
- sciforum-101670: Effect of fermentation processes and starters on phenolic compounds in legume protein creams / Valery Illarionova, Lolita Tomsone, Jelena Zagorska, Zanda Kruma
- Characterization of apple and berry vinegars of Baltic Region / Liene Jansone, Zanda Kruma, Inese Tupreine
- Edible insects: consumption, perceptions, culture and tradition among adult citizens from 14 countries / Raquel P. F. Guiné, Sofia G. Florenca, Cristina A. Costa, Paula M. R. Correia, Luísa Cruz-Lopes, Bruno Esteves, Manuela Ferreira, Anabela Fragata, Ana P. Cardoso, Sofia Campos, Ofélia Anjos, Nada M. Boustani, Elena Bartkiene, Cristina Chuck-Hernández, Ilija Djekic, Monica Tarcea, Marijana Matek Sarić, Zanda Kruma, Malgorzata Korzeniowska, Maria Papageorgiou, Leticia González Árias, Maša Črnelič-Bizjak, Emel Damarli, Vanessa Ferreira, Emre Bayraktaroğlu, Fatmanur Ozyurek Arpa
- The influence of various wine yeast strains on the physicochemical parameters of cranberry - honey wine / Monta Jurģe, Inga Madžule, Zanda Krūma
- Effect of pasteurisation on volatile compounds for calorie-free, carbonated peppermint (Mentha Piperita L.) tea / Alvīne Henriete Auziņa, Jūlija Krjukova, Elza Katrīna Egle, Zanda Krūma
- Comparison of powdered Moringa oleifera from different origins / Amala Joseph, Zanda Krūma
- Sauerkraut Juice for New Product Development = Skābētu kāpostu sula jaunu produktu izstrādē : doctoral thesis for acquiring a doctoral degree doctor of science (Ph.D.) in engineering science and technologies / Liene Jansone ; scientific supervisors: Zanda Krūma, Solvita Kampuse ; Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies. Faculty of Food Technology.
- Comparative extraction of components from Ukrainian and Baltic ambers / Valentyn Chornyi, Zanda Krūma, Taras Mysiura, Nataliia Popova, Volodymyr Zavialov
- Sauerkraut Juice for New Product Development : summary of the doctoral thesis for the doctoral degree of science (Ph.D.) in engineering science and technologies = Skābētu kāpostu sula jaunu produktu izstrādei : promocijas darba kopsavilkums zinātnes doktora grāda (Ph.D.) iegūšanai inženierzinātnēs un tehnoloģijās / Liene Jansone ; scientific supervisors: Zanda Krūma and Solvita Kampuse ; official reviewers: Dalija Segliņa, PhD ing. Eva Ivanišová, Vitālijs Radenkovs ; Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies. Faculty of Food Technology.
- Dehydrated sauerkraut juice in bread and meat applications and bioaccessibility of total phenol compounds after in vitro gastrointestinal digestion / Liene Jansone, Zanda Kruma, Kristine Majore, Solvita Kampuse
- Production of spirit from Jerusalem artichokes / Sindija Puisele, Ilona Dabina-Bicka, Zanda Kruma
- Dehydrated sauerkraut juice as a salt alternative in food / Liene Jansone, Zanda Kruma, Evita Straumite, Solvita Kampuse
- Evaluation of chemical and sensory characteristics of sauerkraut juice powder and its application in food / Liene Jansone, Zanda Kruma, Evita Straumite
- Consumer perception about edible insects’ relation with environment and sustainability / Raquel P. F. Guine, Dace Klava, Zanda Kruma, Evita Straumite, Sofia G. Florenca, Ofelia Anjos, Ilija Djekic, Cristina Chuck-Hernandez, Marijana Matek Saric, Elena Bartkiene, Nada M. Boustani, Maria Papageorgiou, Jose M. F. Baro, Malgorzata Korzeniowska, Masa Cernelic-Bizjak, Monica Tarcea, Emel Damarli, Vanessa Ferreira
- Effect of honey origin and yeast type on the bioactive compounds in mead / Rita Riekstina-Dolge, Zanda Kruma, Lolita Tomsone
- Development and characteristics of plant-based product prototypes for oro-pharyngeal dysphagia diet / Liene Ozola, Dzaner Shengjuler, Ruta Galoburda, Zanda Kruma, Evita Straumite, Solvita Kampuse
- Assessment of bioactive compounds in red wines available for purchase in Latvia = Bioloģiski aktīvo vielu analīze Latvijā nopērkamos sarkanvīnos / Zane Legzdiņa, Evita Straumīte, Zanda Krūma
- Physicochemical parameters of horseradish (Armoracia rusticana L.) juice microcapsules / Lolita Tomsone, Vanessa Durrieu, Zanda Kruma, Ruta Galoburda, Ingmars Cinkmanis, Thierry Talou
- Volatile and Bioactive Compounds in Different Roast Level Specialty Coffee = Gaistošie un bioloģiski aktīvie savienojumi dažāda grauzdējuma pakāpes specialty kafijā : doctoral thesis for acquiring a doctor of science (PhD) in food and beverage technologies / Ilze Laukalēja ; scientific supervisor Zanda Krūma ; Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies. Faculty of Food Technology.
- Chemical composition and chemical stability of selected spice seed oils / Danija Lazdiņa, Zanda Krūma, Paweł Górnaś
- Effect of yeasts on the quality of beer / Álvaro Víctor Roig Fuentes, Zanda Kruma, Ilona Dabina-Bicka
- Influence of honey origin and yeast type on the quality of mead / Pedro Sáez Miguel, Zanda Kruma, Rita Riekstina-Dolge
- Dehydrated and concentrated sauerkraut juice in food and cosmetics applications / Liene Jansone, Zanda Krūma, Solvita Kampuse
- Influence of filling technologies and cork type on the beer stability of unpasteurized beer / Irita Valtere, Zanda Kruma
- Changes in phenolic profile and antioxidant activity of horseradish roots during freezing and frozen storage = Mārrutku sakņu fenolu profila un antioksidantu aktivitātes izmaiņas, sasaldējot un uzglabājot sasaldētā veidā / Lolita Tomsone, Ruta Galoburda, Zanda Krūma, Ingmārs Cinkmanis
- Physical and microbiological characteristics and antioxidant activity of honey bee pollen / Evita Straumite, Madara Bartule, Anda Valdovska, Zanda Kruma, Ruta Galoburda
- Nutritional composition of plant-based texture: modified foods for dysphagia patients = Uzturvielu sastāva analīze augu bāzes disfāgijas pacientiem pielāgotās struktūras produktos / Solvita Kampuse, Liene Ozola, Zanda Krūma, Dace Kļava, Ruta Galoburda, Evita Straumīte, Inese Siksna
- Impact of the roast level on chemical composition of coffee from Colombia = Grauzdēšanas procesa ietekme uz kolumbijas kafijas ķīmisko sastāvu / Ilze Laukalēja, Zanda Krūma, Ingmars Cinkmanis
- Are consumers aware of sustainability aspects related to edible insects? Results from a study involving 14 countries / Raquel P. F. Guiné, Sofia G. Florença, Ofélia Anjos, Nada M. Boustani, Cristina Chuck-Hernández, Marijana Matek Sarić, Manuela Ferreira, Cristina A. Costa, Elena Bartkiene, Ana P. Cardoso, Monica Tarcea, Paula M. R. Correia, Sofia Campos, Maria Papageorgiou, Daniel Abarquero Camino, Malgorzata Korzeniowska, Maša Černelič-Bizjak, Zanda Kruma, Emel Damarli, Vanessa Ferreira, Ilija Djekic
- Volatile and Bioactive Compounds in Different Roast Level Specialty Coffee : summary of the doctoral thesis for acquiring a doctor of science (PhD) in food and beverage technologies = Gaistošie un bioloģiski aktīvie savienojumi dažāda grauzdējuma pakāpes specialty kafijā : promocijas darba kopsavilkums zinātnes doktora (PhD) zinātniskā grāda iegūšanai pārtikas un dzērienu tehnoloģijās / Ilze Laukalēja ; darba vadītāja Zanda Krūma ; darba recenzenti: Dalija Segliņa, Dr.habil. Raquel P.F. Guiné, Dr.chem. Ilva Nakurte ; Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies. Faculty of Food Technology.
- Effect of storage conditions on biologically active compounds in purple-fleshed potatoes = Uzglabāšanas apstākļu ietekme uz bioaktīvajām vielām kartupeļos ar violetu mīkstumu / Reinis Zariņš, Zanda Krūma, Ilze Skrabule
- Analysis of factors that influence eating habits in different countries / Ilze Kalnina, Evita Straumite, Dace Klava, Zanda Kruma, Elena Bartkiene, Kathy Keenan Isoldi, Paula Correia, Manuela Ferreira, Raquel P. F. Guiné
- Quality parameters of horizontally spray-dried fermented cabbage juice = Horizontālā tipa izsmidzināšanas kaltē iegūtā skābētu kāpostu sulas pulvera kvalitatīvie rādītāji / Liene Jansone, Solvita Kampuse, Zanda Krūma, Ivo Līdums
- Case study: Free lunch meals provision during the remote learning conditions / Ilze Beitane, Zanda Kruma, Tatjana Kince, Martins Sabovics, Sandra Iriste, Sandra Muizniece-Brasava, Jekaterina Bujaka, Sintija Strode, Inga Ciprovica
- Evaluation of physical and chemical composition of concentrated fermented cabbage juice / Liene Jansone, Solvita Kampuse, Zanda Krūma, Ivo Lidums
- Analysis of factors that influence eating habits in different countries / Ilze Kalnina, Evita Straumite, Dace Klava, Zanda Kruma, Elena Bartkiene, Kathy Keenan Isoldi, Paula Correia, Manuela Ferreira, Raquel P. F. Guiné
- Determination of technological parameters and characterization of microbiota of the spontaneous sourdough fermentation of hull-less barley / Sanita Reidzane, Zanda Kruma, Jekaterina Kazantseva, Anna Traksmaa, Dace Klava
- Evaluation of physical and chemical composition of fresh, fermented and dehydrated fermented cabbage juice / Liene Jansone, Solvita Kampuse, Zanda Krūma
- Strukturētas zivju masas un to produktu ražošanas rokasgrāmata : ražošanas tehnoloģija, ekonomiskie aprēķini / M. Šabovics, S. Muižniece-Brasava, I. Grāmatiņa, S. Sazonova, T. Ķince [un vēl 7 autori] ; Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte sadarbībā ar FoodTech Baltija SIA.
- Galvenie ieteikumi un priekšlikumi / Ilze Beitāne, Dina Bite, Jekaterina Bujaka, Inga Ciproviča, Ilze Grāvīte, Gunta Grīnberga-Zālīte, Ikase Laila, Sandra Īriste, Lana Janmere, Dace Kaufmane, Zanda Krūma, Ženija Krūzmētra, Tatjana Ķince, Valda Laugale, Līga Lepse, Sandra Muižniece-Brasava, Aina Muška, Aleksejs Nipers, Irina Pilvere, Dalija Segliņa, Sarmīte Strautiņa, Sintija Strode, Mārtiņš Šabovics, Mihails Šilovs, Ilze Upīte, Solvita Zeipiņa
- Galvenie secinājumi / Ilze Beitāne, Dina Bite, Jekaterina Bujaka, Inga Ciproviča, Pawel Górnaś, Ilze Grāvīte, Gunta Grīnberga-Zālīte, Laila Ikase, Sandra Īriste, Lana Janmere, Edīte Kaufmane, Inta Krasnova, Zanda Krūma, Ženija Krūzmētra, Tatjana Ķince, Valda Laugale, Līga Lepse, Sandra Muižniece-Brasava, Aina Muška, Aleksejs Nipers, Irina Pilvere, Dalija Segliņa, Sarmīte Strautiņa, Sintija Strode, Mārtiņš Šabovics, Mihails Šilovs, Ilze Upīte, Solvita Zeipiņa
- Četru nedēļu pārtikas paku modelis siltu pusdienu pagatavošanai mājās krīzes apstākļos un ārpusskolas aktivitātēs pēckrīzes laikā / Ilze Beitāne, Jekaterina Bujaka, Inga Ciproviča, Sandra Īriste, Zanda Krūma, Tatjana Ķince, Līga Lepse, Sandra Muižniece-Brasava, Sintija Strode, Mārtiņš Šabovics
- Phenolic and volatile compounds in horseradish roots juice and pomace / Ruta Galoburda, Lolita Tomsone, Zanda Kruma, Ingmars Cinkmanis
- Vietējo pārtikas ķēžu pārstrukturizēšana un noturības stiprināšana krīzes un pēckrīzes laikā Latvijā : zinātniska monogrāfija / redakcijas kolēģija: Dr.oec. Irina Pilvere (galvenā redaktore), Dr.oec. Gunta Grīnberga-Zālīte, Dr.oec. Aina Muška [un vēl 3 redaktori] ; latviešu valodas redaktore Ausma Mukāne ; angļu valodas redaktors Sandris Ancāns ; vāka dizains: Astra Strance ; zinātniskie recenzenti: Dr.agr. Voldemārs Strīķis, Pēteris Rivža, Dr. Eugene Eteris ; Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte, LLU APP Dārzkopības institūts.
- Effect of storage conditions on biologically active compounds in purple-fleshed potatoes / R. Zarins, Z. Krūma, I. Skrabule
- Assessment of the bioactive compounds in red wines available for purchase in Latvia / Z. Legzdina, E. Straumite, Z. Krūma
- Characterization of the quality parameters of dehydrated fermented cabbage juice / L. Jansone, S. Kampuse, Z. Krūma, I. Līdums
- Effect of vacuum evaporation on chemical composition and physical parameters of fermented cabbage juice / L. Jansone, S. Kampuse, Z. Kruma
- Dynamics of volatile compounds in triticale bread with sourdough: from flour to bread / Ruta Galoburda, Evita Straumite, Martins Sabovics, Zanda Kruma
- Volatile compounds, antioxidant activity, total phenolic content and bioavailability of horseradish roots / Lolita Tomsone, Zanda Kruma, Ruta Galoburda
- Food matrices enriched with horseradish products and their bioavailability / Lolita Tomsone, Zanda Kruma, Ruta Galoburda, Kristine Majore, Sanita Sazonova, Ruta Kazemaka
- Chickpea aquafaba as egg substitute in meringue cookies / R. Ruska, P. Braksa, E. Straumīte, Z. Krūma, M. Dūma
- Sauerkraut juice powder chemical and physical properties / L. Jansone, S. Kampuse, Z. Kruma
- Phenolic composition and antioxidant activity of frozen horseradish roots during storage / L. Tomsone, R. Galoburda, Z. Krūma, I. Cinkmanis
- Impact of the roast level on chemical composition in coffee from Colombia / I. Laukaleja, Z. Krūma, I. Cinkmanis
- Biologically active compounds of bee pollen from different regions of Latvia / E. Straumite, L. Tomsone, Z. Krūma, A. Kirse-Ozolina
- Characterization of dried horseradish leaves pomace: phenolic compounds profile and antioxidant capacity, content of organic acids, pigments and volatile compounds / Lolita Tomsone, Ruta Galoburda, Zanda Kruma, Ingmars Cinkmanis
- Physicochemical properties of biscuits enriched with Horseradish (Armoracia rusticana L.) products and bioaccessibility of phenolics after simulated human digestion / Lolita Tomsone, Ruta Galoburda, Zanda Kruma, Kristine Majore
- Microencapsulation of horseradish (Armoracia rusticana L.) juice using spray-drying / Lolita Tomsone, Ruta Galoburda, Zanda Kruma, Vanessa Durrieu, Ingmars Cinkmanis
- Evaluation of plant-based texture-modified foods for dysphagia / S. Kampuse, L. Ozola, Z. Krūma, D. Kļava, R. Galoburda, E. Straumite
- Challenges in the development of food packs for pupil lunches as part of the recovery-lv project / I. Beitane, Z. Krūma, T. Ķince, M. Sabovics, S. Iriste, S. Muizniece-Brasava, J. Bujaka, S. Strode, I. Ciproviča
- Phenolic and volatile compound composition influence to specialty coffee cup quality / I. Laukaleja, Z. Kruma
- Changes of biologically active compound level in potatoes during storage under fluorescent light / Reinis Zarins, Zanda Kruma, Ilze Skrabule
- The influence of various drying methods on the properties and quality of edible flowers' petals / Jekaterina Dorozko, Daiga Kunkulberga, Irina Sivicka, Zanda Kruma
- Valorisation of dried horseradish press cakes as a potential for value-added products / L. Tomsone, Z. Kruma, A. Kirse, R. Galoburda, I. Cinkmanis
- Evaluation of pre-treatment and juice extraction methods for optimal horseradish juice production / Lolita Tomsone, Zanda Kruma
- The evaluation of organically grown apple cultivars for special diet puree production / Solvita Kampuse, Zanda Kruma, Dace Klava, Liene Ozola, Ruta Galoburda, Evita Straumite
- Sensory profile and phenolic compound composition of specialty coffees from three different regions / I. Laukaleja, Z. Kruma, I. Cinkmanis
- Changes of biologically active compound level in potatoes during storage under fluorescent light / Reinis Zarins, Zanda Kruma, Ilze Skrabule
- The influence of various drying methods on the quality of edible flower petals / Jekaterina Dorozko, Daiga Kunkulberga, Irina Sivicka, Zanda Kruma
- Spectrophotometric analysis of pigments in horseradish by using various extraction solvents / Lolita Tomsone, Zanda Kruma
- Influence of germination temperature and time on phenolic content and antioxidant properties of cereals / Zanda Kruma, Martins Sabovics, Tatjana Kince, Ruta Galoburda, Evita Straumite, Lolita Tomsone, Ievina Sturite, Arta Kronberga
- Spectrophotometric analysis of photosynthetic pigments in horseradish leaves and by-products using various extraction solvents / Lolita Tomsone, Zanda Kruma
- Phenolic and volatile compound composition influence to specialty coffee cup quality / I. Laukaleja, Z. Kruma
- Evaluation of a headspace solid–phase microextraction with different fibres for volatile compound determination in specialty coffee brews / Ilze Laukalēja, Zanda Krūma
- The evaluation of organically grown apple cultivars for special diet puree production / Solvita Kampuse, Zanda Kruma, Dace Klava, Liene Ozola, Ruta Galoburda, Evita Straumite
- Influence of the roasting process on bioactive compounds and aroma profile in specialty coffee: a review / Ilze Laukaleja, Zanda Kruma
- Influence of germination temperature and time on phenolic content and antioxidant properties of cereals / Zanda Kruma, Tatjana Kince, Ruta Galoburda, Lolita Tomsone, Evita Straumite, Martins Sabovics, Ievina Sturite, Arta Kronberga
- The impact of the roasting process on chemical composition and sensory profile in specialty coffee from Colombia / I. Laukaleja, Z. Kruma, I. Cinkmanis
- Innovative structured fish mass products from Baltic sprat (Sprattus sprattus balticus Schneider) / Sandra Muizniece-Brasava, Asnate Kirse-Ozolina, Ilze Gramatina, Andrey Gorbatovskiy, Sanita Sazonova, Evita Straumite, Zanda Kruma, Inga Ciprovica, Martins Sabovics, Daiga Kunkulberga, Janina Kivite, Tatjana Kince, Jelena Zagorska
- Influence of the roasting process on bioactive compounds and aroma profile in specialty coffee / Ilze Laukaleja, Zanda Kruma
- Effect of sterilization parameters on quality of commercially-prepared instant soups / Asnate Kirse-Ozolina, Sandra Muizniece-Brasava, Evalds Raits, Zanda Kruma
- Innovative structured fish meat products from Baltic sprat (Sprattus Sprattus Balticus) / Sandra Muizniece-Brasava, Asnate Kirse-Ozolina, Ilze Gramatina, Inga Ciprovica, Andrey Gorbatovskiy, Sanita Sazonova, Evita Straumite, Zanda Kruma, Martins Sabovics, Daiga Kunkulberga, Janina Kivite, Tatjana Kince, Jelena Zagorska
- Development of products from Baltic sprat (Sprattus balticus) as an analogue to traditional italian anchovy preserves / Martins Sabovics, Asnate Kirse-Ozolina, Ilze Gramatina, Zanda Kruma, Sanita Sazonova, Gita Krumina-Zemture, Janina Kivite, Anete Keke, Elina Sturmovica, Sandra Muizniece-Brasava, Igor Sepelevs
- Effects of processing conditions on physical parameters of triticale flakes / T. Kince, E. Straumite, D. Klava, Z. Kruma, K. Abelniece, A. Balgalve
- Sensory evaluation of structured fish mass products from Baltic sprat (Sprattus Sprattus Balticus Schneider) / Evita Straumite, Andrey Gorbatovskiy, Sanita Sazonova, Ilze Gramatina, Sandra Muizniece-Brasava, Zanda Kruma, Asnate Kirse, Inga Ciprovica, Martins Sabovics
- Protein bread fortification with cumin and caraway seeds and by-product flour / Bouchra Sayed Ahmad, Thierry Talou, Evita Straumite, Martins Sabovics, Zanda Kruma, Zeinab Saad, Akram Hijazi, Othmane Merah
- Phenolics content in buckwheat flour = Fenolu saturs griķu miltos / Ilze Beitāne, Gita Krūmiņa-Zemture, Zanda Krūma, Ingmārs Cinkmanis
- Optimisation of biologically active compounds ultrasound assisted extraction from potatoes using response surface methodology / R. Zarins, Z. Kruma, I. Skrabule
- Optimisation of biologically active compounds ultrasound assisted extraction from potatoes using response surface methodology / R. Zarins, Z. Kruma, I. Skrabule
- Dynamics of biologically active compounds in potatoes during storage under light / Reinis Zarins, Zanda Kruma, Ilze Skrabule
- Comparison of phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity of fresh and freeze-dried potatoes / R. Zarins, Z. Kruma, L. Tomsone, S. Kampuse, I. Skrabule, I. H. Konosonoka
- Changes in the nutritional value of breakfast cereals containing germinated spring grain flakes during storage / Z. Kruma, R. Galoburda, L. Tomsone, I. Gramatina, S. Senhofa, E. Straumite, D. Klava, T. Kince, I. Cinkmanis, J. Zagorska, D. Kunkulberga
- Effect of freezing, high pressure processing, and freeze-drying on the microbiological parameters of horseradish (Armoracia rusticana L.) juice / L. Tomsone, A. Kirse, R. Galoburda, Z. Kruma
- Triticale (Triticosecale Wittm.) breakfast flakes as source of fibres / Dace Klava, Evita Straumite, Zanda Kruma, Tatjana Kince, Kristine Abelniece
- The changes of horseradish biologically active compounds and their bioavailability in an in vitro model of the human gastrointestinal tract / L. Tomsone, Z. Kruma, I. Cinkmanis, A. Kirse, R. Galoburda
- Effects of extraction methods and solvent on the content of phenolic compounds in horseradish roots extracts / Lolita Tomsone, Zanda Kruma, Ingmars Cinkmanis
- Biologically active compound influence to speciality coffee cup quality / Ilze Laukaleja, Zanda Kruma
- Polyphenolics in potatoes with different flesh colour and their changes during storage / Reinis Zarins, Zanda Kruma, Ilze Skrabule
- Effects of technological parameters on triticale flakes sensory characteristics / E. Straumite, T. Kince, Z. Kruma, D. Klava
- The comparison of gooseberry biochemical composition in different ripening stages / S. Kampuse, Z. Kruma, K. Dorofejeva, E. Ungure, K. Kampuss
- Influence of technological parameters on chemical composition of triticale flakes / Z. Kruma, E. Straumite, T. Kince, D. Klava, K. Abelniece, A. Balgalve
- Quality of specialty coffee: balance between aroma, flavour and biologically active compound composition: review / Ilze Laukalēja, Zanda Krūma
- Evaluation of nutritional and technological attributes of whole wheat based bread fortified with chia flour / Bouchra Sayed-Ahmad, Thierry Talou, Evita Straumite, Martins Sabovics, Zanda Kruma, Zeinab Saad, Akram Hijazi, Othmane Merah
- Changes in the nutritional value of breakfast cereals containing germinated spring grain flakes during storage / Z. Kruma, R. Galoburda, L. Tomsone, I. Gramatina, S. Senhofa, E. Straumite, D. Klava, T. Kince, I. Cinkmanis, J. Zagorska, D. Kunkulberga
- Inovatīvi risinājumi graudaugu izmantošanai veselīgiem produktiem / Evita Straumīte, Daiga Kunkulberga, Tatjana Ķince, Dace Kļava, Daina Kārkliņa, Mārtiņš Šabovics, Zanda Krūma, Ieviņa Stūrīte
- Effects of processing conditions on physical parameters of triticale flakes / T. Kince, E. Straumite, D. Klava, Z. Kruma, K. Abelniece, A. Balgalve
- Comparison of phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity of fresh and freeze-dried potatoes / R. Zarins, Z. Kruma, L. Tomsone, S. Kampuse, I. Skrabule, I. H. Konosonoka
- Influence of technological parameters on chemical composition of triticale flakes / Z. Kruma, E. Straumite, T. Kince, D. Klava, K. Abelniece, A. Balgalve
- Effect of addition of fennel (Foeniculum vulgare L.) on the quality of protein bread = Fenheļa (Foeniculum vulgare L.) ietekme uz olbaltumvielu maizes kvalitāti / Bouchra Sayed-Ahmad, Evita Straumīte, Mārtiņš Šabovics, Zanda Krūma, Othmane Merah, Zeinab Saad, Akram Hijazi, Thierry Talou
- Sensory properties of pork meat with herbal extract / I. Gramatina, S. Sazonova, Z. Kruma, E. Straumite
- Influence of brewing method to phenolic composition in specialty coffees / I. Laukaleja, Z. Kruma, I. Cinkmanis
- Influence of harvest time on the phenolic content of horseradish leaves / Lolita Tomsone, Zanda Kruma
- Effect of high hydrostatic pressure treatment on shelf life of strawberry, orange, rose hip and honey smoothie / Ruta Galoburda, Agustin Lara Torres, Solvita Kampuse, Zanda Kruma
- Aroma-tincto-oleo crops agrorefinery: cases of fennel, cumin and caraway seeds global valorization / Thierry Talou, Bouchra Sayed Ahmad, Othmane Merah, Philippe Evon, Muriel Cerny, Zanda Kruma, Evita Straumite, Martins Sabovics, Zeinab Saad, Akram Hijazi
- Sensory properties of high-pressure-treated milk / Marika Liepa, Jelena Zagorska, Ruta Galoburda, Evita Straumite, Zanda Kruma, Martins Sabovics
- Effect of germination to the content of b vitamins in cereal flakes / Zanda Kruma, Evita Straumite, Dace Klava, Tatjana Kince, Ruta Galoburda
- Latvian consumers eating motivations / Ilze Kalnina, Evita Straumite, Dace Klava, Zanda Kruma, Raquel P.F. Guine
- Characterisation of sensory properties in high-pressure-treated milk / Marika Liepa, Jelena Zagorska, Ruta Galoburda, Evita Straumite, Zanda Kruma, Martins Sabovics
- Germinated grains performance in cereal flakes production / Tatjana Kince, Evita Straumite, Zanda Kruma, Martins Sabovics, Ruta Galoburda, Santa Senhofa, Ingmars Cinkmanis, Lolita Tomsone, Ilze Gramatina
- Quality and safety evaluation of breakfast cereals made from triticale and/or hull-less spring cereals / Dace Klava, Zanda Kruma, Ilze Gramatina, Evita Straumite, Tatjana Kince, Ruta Galoburda, Ingmars Cinkmanis, Santa Senhofa, Martins Sabovics, Irisa Murniece, Jelena Zagorska, Lolita Tomsone
- Effect of organic and conventional farming system on the total phenolic content and antioxidant activity of oats and barley grains / I. Sturite, Z. Kruma, L. Tomsone, M Åssveen, A. Kronberga, E. Straumite, R. Galoburda
- Effect of organic and conventional farming system on the total phenolic content and antioxidant activity of oats and barley grains / I. Sturite, Z. Kruma, L. Tomsone, M Åssveen, A. Kronberga, E. Straumite, R. Galoburda
- Evaluation of bioactive compounds in different plant materials for development of new tea products / Rakesh Reddy Mudireddy, Zanda Kruma, Ruta Galoburda
- Nutritional value determination of thermally processed potato main course in retort packaging / Aija Ruzaiķe, Sandra Muižniece-Brasava, Zanda Krūma, Kaspars Kovaļenko
- Nutritional quality of triticale (×Triticosecale Wittm.) grown under different cropping systems = Tritikāles (×Triticosecale Wittm.) graudu uzturvērtība dažādās audzēšanas sistēmās / Evita Straumīte, Ruta Galoburda, Lolita Tomsone, Zanda Krūma, Ilze Grāmatiņa, Arta Kronberga, Ieviņa Stūrīte
- Herbal extracts for ensuring pork meat quality during cold storage = Augu ekstrakti atdzesētas cūkgaļas kvalitātes nodrošināšanai uzglabāšanas laikā / Ilze Grāmatiņa, Sanita Sazonova, Zanda Krūma, Līga Skudra, Līga Prieciņa
- Influence of horseradish Amorica rusticana L. and lovage Levisticum officinale L. extracts on the stability of rapeseed oil = Mārrutku (Amorica rusticana L.) lapu, lupstāju (Levisticum officinale L.) lapu un kātu ekstraktu efektivitāte rapšu eļļas stabilizēšanā / Lolita Tomsone, Zanda Krūma
- Latvian citizens’ knowledge about dietary fibre = Latvijas iedzīvotāju zināšanas par šķiedrvielām / Dace Kļava, Evita Straumīte, Zanda Krūma, Raquel P. F. Guiné
- Effect of packaging to volatile profile of extruded pea product during storage / Zanda Kruma, Sandra Muizniece-Brasava, Ruta Galoburda, Liene Strauta, Evita Straumite
- Latvian citizens' eating motivations / Ilze Kalnina, Evita Straumite, Dace Klava, Zanda Kruma, Raquel P.F. Guine
- Changes in sensory quality of sous vide and high pressure processed pulse spreads during storage / A. Kirse, E. Straumite, R. Galoburda, S. Muizniece-Brasava, Z. Kruma, M. Sabovics
- Glycoalkaloids in potatoes: a review / Reinis Zarins, Zanda Kruma
- Comparison of volatile and phenolic composition of commercial and experimental ciders / Rita Riekstina-Dolge, Zanda Kruma
- Accumulation of glycoalkaloids in potatoes: a review / Reinis Zarins, Zanda Kruma
- Content and composition of essential oil of oregano genetic resources in Latvia / Irina Sivicka, Ewa Osinska, Zanda Kruma, Aleksandrs Adamovics
- Evaluation of biologically active substances in specialty coffees / Ilze Laukaleja, Zanda Kruma
- Comparison of volatile and phenolic composition of commercial and experimental ciders / Rita Riekstina-Dolge, Zanda Kruma
- Quality evaluation of potato and vegetable crisps in Latvian market / Ilze Kalnina, Evita Straumite, Zanda Kruma, Martins Sabovics, Tatjana Kince
- Plant by-products as source of functional ingredients for production of crispbreads / Daiga Konrade, Dace Klava, Martins Sabovics, Tatjana Kince, Zanda Kruma
- Evaluation of nutritional quality of protein bread enriched with chia (Salvia hispanica) / Bouchra Sayed Ahmad, Evita Straumite, Martins Sabovics, Zanda Kruma, Othmane Merah, Zeinab Saad, Akram Hijazi, Thierry Talou
- Optimisation of biologically active compounds extraction from chokeberries marc using response surface methodology / Zanda Kruma, Dina Freitas, Solvita Kampuse, Lolita Tomsone, Tatjana Kince
- Bioactive compounds in potatoes: effect of peeling and frying / Reinis Zarins, Zanda Kruma, Lolita Tomsone, Solvita Kampuse
- Classification of fresh and processed horseradish genotypes based on biologically active compounds using hierarchical cluster analysis / Lolita Tomsone, Zanda Kruma
- Effect of processing on microbial safety, total phenolic content and radical scavenging activity of germinated hull-less barley flakes / Tatjana Kince, Ruta Galoburda, Dace Klava, Zanda Kruma, Aivars Aboltins, Lolita Tomsone, Martins Sabovics, Evita Straumite, Santa Senhofa, Anita Blija, Garry Kerch
- Influence of harvest time on the phenolic content of horseradish leaves / Lolita Tomsone, Zanda Kruma
- Effects of germination on total phenolic compounds and radical scavenging activity in hull-less spring cereals and triticale / Z. Kruma, L. Tomsone, T. Ķince, R. Galoburda, S. Senhofa, M. Sabovics, E. Straumite, I. Sturite
- Total phenols and antioxidant capacity of hull-less barley and hull-less oats / Z. Kruma, L. Tomsone, R. Galoburda, E. Straumite, A. Kronberga, M. Åssveen
- Total phenols and antioxidant capacity of hull-less barley and hull-less oats / Z. Kruma, L. Tomsone, R. Galoburda, E. Straumite, A. Kronberga, M. Åssveen
- Effect of addition of fennel (Foeniculum vulgare L.) on the quality of protein bread / B. Sayed Ahmad, E. Straumite, M. Sabovics, Z. Kruma, O. Merah, Z. Saad, A. Hijazi, T. Talou
- Germination temperature impact on triticale grain chemical composition / Martins Sabovics, Tatjana Rakcejeva, Lolita Tomsone, Zanda Kruma, Santa Senhofa, Evita Straumite, Ruta Galoburda, Arta Kronberga, Levina Sturmite, Mauritz Assveen
- Evaluation of the quality parameters of germinated spring grain breakfast cereals during storage / S. Senhofa, D. Klava, L. Tomsone, Z. Kruma, I. Gramatina, E. Straumite, R. Galoburda, J. Zagorska
- Nutritional quality of triticale (× Triticosecale) grown under different cropping systems / E. Straumite, L. Tomsone, Z. Kruma, I. Gramatina, A. Kronberga, R. Galoburda, I. Sturite
- Legumes in pasta technology / T. Ķince, S. Vācere, M. Šabovics, Z. Krūma, E. Straumīte
- Phenolic content in buckwheat flours / I. Beitane, G. Krumina-Zemture, Z. Kruma, I. Cinkmanis
- Influence of horseradish Amorica rusticana L. and lovage Levisticum officinale L. extracts on the stability of rapeseed oil / L. Tomsone, Z. Kruma
- Comparative evaluation of lovage and horseradish phenolic extracts for acrylamide reduction in food / A. Maksima, Z. Kruma, I. Cinkmanis, S. Kampuse, L. Tomsone, E. Ivanisova
- Herbal extract application for extending shelf-life of pork meat / I. Gramatina, S. Sazonova, Z. Kruma, L. Skudra, L. Priecina
- Characterization of chemical composition of mints grown in Latvia / Zanda Kruma, Evita Straumite, Ruta Galoburda
- Impact of aromatic plant extracts on the formation of acrylamide in French fries / Zanda Kruma, Anita Maksima, Solvita Kampuse, Lolita Tomsone, Martins Sabovics, Ilze Skrabule
- Agro-refining of medicinal and aromatic plants: case study of apiaceae seeds for vegetable and essential oils production coupled to valorization of extraction cakes / Ahmad Bouchra Sayed , Othmane Merah, Akram Hijazi, Zeinab Saad, Zanda Kruma, Ruta Galoburda, Thierry Talou
- Effect of lovage phenolics to formation of acrylamide in French fries / S. Kampuse, L. Tomsone, Z. Krūma, M. Šabovics, I. Skrabule
- Effect of lovage phenolics to formation of acrylamide in French fries / S. Kampuse, L. Tomsone, Z. Krūma, M. Šabovics, I. Skrabule
- Effects of germination on total phenolic compounds and radical scavenging activity in hull-less spring cereals and triticale / Z. Kruma, L. Tomsone, T. Ķince, R. Galoburda, S. Senhofa, M. Sabovics, E. Straumite, I. Sturite
- Pigments in mint leaves and stems / E. Straumite, Z. Kruma, R. Galoburda
- Phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity of oat / Laila Vilmane, Zanda Kruma, Evita Straumite, Sanita Zute
- Comparison of different methods for extraction of bioactive compounds from oat flakes / Zanda Kruma, Alina Afonkina, Dace Klava, Evita Straumite
- Comparative study of total phenols and antiradical activity in various types of coffee before and after processing / Baiba Brakovska, Irisa Murniece, Zanda Kruma, Ingmars Cinkmanis
- Comparison of laboratory-scale and commercial ciders / Rita Riekstina-Dolge, Zanda Kruma, Ingmārs Cinkmanis
- Bioactive compounds of organically and conventionally cultivated potatoes before and after storage / Irisa Murniece, Zanda Kruma, Ilze Skrabule, Aija Vaivode
- Stability of rapeseed oil with horseradish Amorica rusticana L. and lovage Levisticum officinale L. extracts under medium temperature accelerated storage conditions / L. Tomsone, Z. Krūma
- Application of hierarchical cluster analysis to classify horseradish and lovage samples based on phenolic compounds and in vitro antioxidant activity / Zanda Kruma, Lolita Tomsone
- Mārrutku un lupstāju bioloģiski aktīvo vielu izpēte : promocijas darbs inženierzinātņu doktora grāda iegūšanai pārtikas zinātnes nozarē / Lolita Tomsone ; promocijas darba vadītāja Zanda Krūma ; Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte. Pārtikas tehnoloģijas fakultāte. Pārtikas tehnoloģijas katedra.
- Natural antioxidants of horseradish and lovage extracted by accelerated solvent extraction / Lolita Tomsone, Zanda Kruma, Thierry Talou, Tian Ming Zhao
- The influence of pretreatment technology and packaging material on the quality of fresh gooseberries during storage / S. Kampuse, S. Muizniece-Brasava, Z. Kruma, M. Sabovics, S. Savri, K. Ruse
- Stability of rapeseed oil with horseradish Amorica rusticana L. and lovage Levisticum officinale L. extracts under medium temperature accelerated storage conditions / L. Tomsone, Z. Krūma
- Mārrutku un lupstāju bioloģiski aktīvo vielu izpēte : promocijas darba kopsavilkums inženierzinātņu doktora zinātniskā grāda iegūšanai pārtikas zinātnes nozarē = Investigation of biologically active substances in horseradish and lovage : summary of promotion work for acquiring the doctor's degree of engineering sciences in sector of food sciences / Lolita Tomsone ; [promocijas darba vadītāja Zanda Krūma ; oficiālie recenzenti Imants Atis Skrupskis, Dace Tirzīte, Ida Jākobsone] ; Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte. Pārtikas tehnoloģijas fakultāte.
- Pigments in mint leaves and stems / E. Straumite, Z. Kruma, R. Galoburda
- Evaluation of traits stability for selection purposes in potato breeding programme / Ilze Skrabule, Aija Vaivode, Dace Piliksere, Anda Liniņa , Irisa Mūrniece, Zanda Krūma
- Variation of phenolic compounds in Latvian apple juices and their suitability for cider production / Rita Riekstina-Dolge, Zanda Kruma, Fredijs Dimins, Inta Krasnova, Daina Karklina
- Variation of phenolic compounds in Latvian apple juices and their suitability for cider production / Rita Riekstina-Dolge, Zanda Kruma, Fredijs Dimins, Inta Krasnova, Daina Karklina
- Natural antioxidants of horseradish and lovage extracted by accelerated solvent extraction / Lolita Tomsone, Zanda Kruma, Thierry Talou, Tian Ming Zhao
- Influence of freezing and drying on the phenol content and antioxidant activity of horseradish and lovage / Lolita Tomsone, Zanda Kruma
- Influence of Oenococcus oeni and oak chips on the chemical composition and sensory properties of cider / Rita Riekstina-Dolge, Zanda Kruma, Ingmars Cinkmanis, Evita Straumite, Martins Sabovics, Lolita Tomsone
- Shredded carrots quality providing by treatment with hydrogen peroxide / Ingrida Augspole, Tatjana Rakcejeva, Zanda Kruma, Fredijs Dimins
- Influence of Oenococcus oeni and oak chips on the chemical composition and sensory properties of cider / Rita Riekstina-Dolge, Zanda Kruma, Ingmars Cinkmanis, Evita Straumite, Martins Sabovics, Lolita Tomsone
- Phenolic composition and sensory properties of ciders produced from Latvian apples / Rita Riekstina-Dolge, Zanda Kruma, Fredijs Dimins, Evita Straumite, Daina Karklina
- TLC bioautography-guided detection of antioxidants in mushroom extracts / Ruta Paulovica, Lina Smolskaite, Thierry Talou, Zanda Kruma
- Influence of freezing and drying on the phenol content in horseradish and lovage / Lolita Tomsone, Zanda Kruma
- Shredded carrots quality providing by treatment with hydrogen peroxide / Ingrida Augspole, Tatjana Rakcejeva, Zanda Kruma, Fredijs Dimins
- Ābolu sidra kvalitāti ietekmējošie faktori : promocijas darbs inženierzinātņu doktora grāda iegūšanai pārtikas zinātnes nozarē / Rita Riekstiņa-Dolģe ; promocijas darba vadītāja: Zanda Krūma ; promocijas darba konsultante: Daina Kārkliņa ; Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte. Pārtikas tehnoloģijas fakultāte. Pārtikas tehnoloģijas katedra.
- Ābolu sidra kvalitāti ietekmējošie faktori : promocijas darba kopsavilkums inženierzinātņu doktora zinātniskā grāda iegūšanai pārtikas zinātnes nozarē = Factors influencing apple cider quality : summary of promotion work for acquiring the doctor's degree of engineering sciences in sector of food sciences / Rita Riekstiņa-Dolģe ; [promocijas darba vadītāja Zanda Krūma] ; Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte. Pārtikas tehnoloģijas fakultāte.
- Physical-chemical parameters of Latvian apple juices and their suitability for cider production / Rita Riekstina-Dolge, Zanda Kruma, Daina Karklina, Fredijs Dimins
- Physical-chemical parameters of Latvian apple juices and their suitability for cider production / Rita Riekstina-Dolge, Zanda Kruma, Daina Karklina, Fredijs Dimins
- Variation of phenolic compounds in Latvian apple juices and their suitability for cider production / Rita Riekstina-Dolge, Zanda Kruma, Fredijs Dimins, Inta Krasnova, Daina Karklina
- Physical-chemical parameters of Latvian apple juices and their suitability for cider production / Rita Riekstina-Dolge, Zanda Kruma, Daina Karklina, Fredijs Dimins
- Composition and properties of forgotten aromatic plants and mushrooms grown in Latvia and Midi-Pyrenees / Zanda Kruma, Thierry Talou, Ruta Galoburda, Lina Smolskaite, Lolita Tomsone, Ina Alsina, Ruta Paulovica
- Carotenoids and phenols of organically and conventionally cultivated potato genotypes / I. Mūrniece, Z. Krūma, I. Skrabule, A. Vaivode
- The content of relevant substances to human health in tubers of potato varieties with a different flesh colour / I. Skrabule, A. Vaivode, D. Piliksere, S. Būmane, I. Dimante, I. Mūrniece, Z. Krūma
- Carotenoids and phenols of organically and conventionally cultivated potato varieties / I. Murniece, Z. Kruma, I. Skrabule, A. Vaivode
- Comparison of different methods for extraction of bioactive compounds from lovage (Levisticum officinale L.) roots / Lolita Tomsone, Zanda Kruma
- Antiradikālās aktivitātes un kopējo fenolu satura izmaiņas misas fermentēšanas laikā = Changes of antiradical activity and total phenolic content during wort fermentation / Ilona Dabiņa-Bicka, Daina Kārkliņa, Zanda Krūma, Fredijs Dimiņš
- Comparison of different extraction methods and solvents for isolation of phenolic compounds from lovage (Levisticum officinale L.) seeds = Сравнения эффективности различных методов экстракции и растворителей фенольных соединений из семян любистка / L. Tomsone, Z. Kruma
- Comparison of different methods for extraction of bioactive compounds from lovage (Levisticum officinale L.) roots / Lolita Tomsone, Zanda Kruma
- Nutritional value of Latvian origin triticale, barley and potato / Arta Kronberga, Linda Legzdiņa, Ilze Skrabule, Dace Piliksere, Skaidrīte Būmane, Aija Vaivode, Irisa Mūrniece, Zanda Krūma, Elga Ivdre, Māra Jure
- Comparison of different extraction methods and solvents for isolation of phenolic compounds from lovage (Levisticum officiale L.) seeds = Сравнение эффективности различных методов экстракции и растворителей фенольных соединений из семян любистока (Levisticum officiale L.) / L. Tomsone, Z. Kruma
- Bioactive compounds in Latvian beer / Ilona Dabina-Bicka, Daina Karklina, Zanda Kruma, Fredijs Dimins
- Comparison of different solvents for isolation of phenolic compounds from horseradish (Armoracia rusticana L.) leaves / Lolita Tomsone, Zanda Kruma
- Composition of volatile compounds of horseradish roots (Armoracia rusticana L.) depending on the genotype / Lolita Tomsone, Zanda Kruma, Ruta Galoburda, Thierry Talou
- Comparison of different extraction methods for isolating phenolic compounds from rapeseed meal (Brassica napus L.) = Сравнения различных методов экстракции фенольных соединений из рапсовых жмыхов (Brassica napus L.) / L. Tomsone, Z. Kruma, E. Sturmovica
- Comparison of different extraction methods for isolating phenolic compounds from lovage (Levisticum officinale L.) seeds = Сравнения различных методов экстракции фенольных соединений из семян любистика (Levisticum officinale L.) / L. Tomsone, Z. Kruma
- Influence of technological processes on the phenol content and antioxidant properties of horseradish roots (Armoracia rusticana L.) / Lolita Tomsone, Zanda Kruma, Ruta Galoburda, Fredijs Dimins, Viesturs Kreicbergs
- Phenolic compounds as natural antioxidants of lovage / Lolita Tomsone, Zanda Krūma, Svetlana Sarvi, Ligija Udača
- Audzēšanas tehnoloģijas ietekme uz kartupeļu ražas kvalitāti = Quality of potato yield as affected by cropping system / I. Skrabule, S. Būmane, D. Piliksere, A. Vaivode, I. Dimante, I. Mūrniece, Z. Krūma
- Comparison of different extraction methods for isolating phenolic compounds from lovage (Levisticum officinale L.) leaves and stems / Lolita Tomsone, Zanda Kruma, Ruta Galoburda
- Kitchen Flavor Chemistry (KFC) concept: development of various generators of herbs and spices volatiles based on modified kitchen devices and utensils / Diana Dobravalskyte, Tian Ming Zhao, Lina Smolskaite, Karina Bodniece, Darius Povilaitis, Ignas Mackela, Myriam Baudry, Hayden Druce, Rimantas Venskutonis, Ruta Galoburda, Zanda Kruma, Thierry Talou
- Latvijā audzētu ābolu piemērotība raudzētu dzērienu gatavošanai = Suitability of apples harvested in Latvia for fermented drinks production / Rita Riekstiņa-Dolģe, Zanda Krūma, Daina Kārkliņa
- Audzēšanas tehnoloģiju ietekme uz kartupeļu bumbuļu kvalitāti = Effect of cropping system on the quality of potato tubers / Ilze Skrabule, Skaidrīte Būmane, Dace Piliksere, Aija Vaivode, Ilze Dimante, Irisa Mūrniece, Zanda Krūma
- The effect of blending on sensory characteristics of apple cider / Rita Riekstina-Dolge, Zanda Kruma, Evita Straumite, Daina Karklina
- The application of hierarchical cluster analysis to classify genotypes of horseradish (Armoracia rusticana L.) roots / Lolita Tomsone, Zanda Kruma, Liga Lepse, Ina Alsina
- Classification of oregano (Origanum vulgare L.) genotypes grown in Latvia / R. Galoburda, Z. Kruma, L. Paura, I. Alsina
- Sensory properties of fermented juice depending on the added yeast strains / Rita Riekstina-Dolge, Zanda Kruma, Evita Straumite, Daina Karklina
- Sensory properties of cider, depending on the added yeast strains / Rita Riekstina-Dolge, Zanda Kruma, Evita Straumite, Daina Karklina
- Sensory properties of fermented juice depending on the added yeast strains / Rita Riekstina-Dolge, Zanda Kruma, Evita Straumite, Daina Karklina
- The comparison of pumpkin cultivar chemical composition / S. Kampuse, Z. Kruma, R. Paulovica
- Microwave and ultrasound-assisted extraction of polyphenols from horseradish (Armoracia rusticana L.) roots / L. Tomsone, Z. Kruma, T. Talou, R. Galoburda
- Changes in content of antioxidant substances during barley wort production / I. Dabina-Bicka, D. Karklina, Z. Kruma, F. Dimins, S. Kapitonovs
- Influence of growing technology on quality of potato / S. Bumane, I. Skrabule, D. Piliksere, A. Vaivode, I. Dimante, I. Murniece, Z. Kruma
- Aroma composition and polyphenol content of ciders available in Latvian market / Rita Riekstina-Dolge, Zanda Kruma, Daina Karklina
- Carotenoids and colour before and after storage of organically and conventionally cultivated potato genotypes in Latvia / Irisa Murniece, Zanda Kruma, Ilze Skrabule
- Influence of active packaging on the quality of pumpkin - rowanberry marmalade candies / Solvita Kampuse, Elga Berna, Sandra Muizniece-Brasava, Lija Dukalska, Irisa Murniece, Martins Sabovics, Zanda Kruma, Karina Ruse, Svetlana Sarvi, Kaspars Kampuss
- Comparison of different solvents and extraction methods for isolation of phenolic compounds from horseradish roots (Armoracia rusticana) / Lolita Tomsone, Zanda Kruma, Ruta Galoburda
- Vitamin C as natural antioxidant of horseradish / Lolita Tomsone, Zanda Krūma
- The content of carotenoids and the colour of organically and conventionally cultivated potato varieties / Irisa Murniece, Zanda Kruma, Ilze Skrabule, Maija Kronberga, Elina Sturmovica
- The influence of packaging materials on the quality of gooseberries during storage / Z. Kruma, S. Muizniece-Brasava, L. Dukalska, S. Kampuse, S. Sarvi, K. Ruse, I. Murniece, I. Dabina-Bicka, E. Kozlinskis
- Effect of pretreatment method on the content of phenolic compounds, vitamin C and antioxidant activity of dried dill / Ruta Galoburda, Zanda Kruma, Karina Ruse
- The changes of biochemical composition in gooseberry cultivar berries in two ripening stages after frozen storage / Kaspars Kampuss, Solvita Kampuse, Zanda Kruma, Karina Ruse
- Aroma composition and polyphenol content of ciders available in Latvian market / Rita Riekstina-Dolge, Zanda Kruma, Daina Karklina
- Carotenoids and colour before and after storage of organically and conventionally cultivated potato genotypes in Latvia / Irisa Murniece, Zanda Kruma, Ilze Skrabule
- Influence of active packaging on the quality of pumpkin - rowanberry marmalade candies / Solvita Kampuse, Elga Berna, Sandra Muizniece-Brasava, Lija Dukalska, Irisa Murniece, Martins Sabovics, Zanda Kruma, Karina Ruse, Svetlana Sarvi, Kaspars Kampuss
- Yield quality of potato as affected by cropping system / Ilze Skrabule, Skaidrite Bumane, Dace Piliksere, Aija Vaivode, Ilze Dimante, Irisa Murniece, Zanda Kruma
- Bioactive compounds in Latvian barley beer / Ilona Dabina-Bicka, Daina Karklina, Zanda Kruma, Fredijs Dimins
- Phenolic composition and sensory properties of ciders produced from Latvian apples / Rita Riekstina-Dolge, Zanda Kruma, Fredijs Dimins, Daina Karklina
- Influence of genotype and harvest time on the phenolic content of horseradish (Armoracia rusticana L.) roots / Lolita Tomsone, Zanda Kruma, Liga Lepse
- Sensory properties and chemical composition of cider depending on apple variety / Rita Riekstina-Dolge, Zanda Kruma, Daina Karklina
- Sensory properties of cider made by blending of various apple juices / Rita Riekstina-Dolge, Zanda Kruma, Daina Karklina, Evita Straumite
- Composition of volatile compounds of horseradish roots (Armoracia rusticana L.) depending on the genotype / Lolita Tomsone, Zanda Kruma, Ruta Galoburda, Thierry Talou
- Effect of blanching on the quality of microwave vacuum dried dill (Anethum graveolens L.) / Evita Straumite, Zanda Kruma, Ruta Galoburda, Kaiva Saulite
- Gaistošo savienojumu izmaiņas tehnoloģisko procesu ietekmē / R. Galoburda, Z. Krūma, R. Riekstiņa-Dolģe, K. Rūse, M. Šabovics
- Gaistošie savienojumi augu valsts produktos / R. Galoburda, K. Kampuss, Z. Krūma, K. Rūse
- Gaistošo savienojumu ķīmiskā uzbūve, iedalījums un funkcionālā nozīme / Z. Krūma, M. Šabovics
- Fenolu satura izmaiņas tehnoloģisko procesu ietekmē / I. Dabiņa-Bicka, S. Kampuse, K. Kampuss, Z. Krūma, V. Ozoliņa, R. Riekstiņa-Dolģe, K. Rūse, E. Šne, L. Tomsone
- Fenolu savienojumu saturs augu valsts produktos / I. Dabiņa-Bicka, S. Kampuse, K. Kampuss, Z. Krūma, V. Ozoliņa, R. Riekstiņa-Dolģe, K. Rūse, E. Šne, L. Tomsone
- Fenolu savienojumu ķīmiskā uzbūve un iedalījums / Zanda Krūma
- C vitamīna satura izmaiņas kartupeļos un dillēs dažādu pārstrādes procesu ietekmē / R. Galoburda, Z. Krūma, I. Mūrniece
- Aktīvā iepakojuma ietekme uz marmelādes konfekšu kvalitāti un derīguma termiņu / S. Muižniece-Brasava, L. Dukaļska, S. Kampuse, I. Mūrniece, M. Šabovics, Z. Krūma, K. Rūse, E. Kozlinskis, I. Dabiņa-Bicka, S. Sarvi
- The application of hierarchical cluster analysis for classifying horseradish genotypes (Armoracia rusticana L.) roots / L. Tomsone, Z. Kruma, I. Alsina, L. Lepse
- Possibilities of use Rugosa hybrid roses grown in Latvia as a source of volatile oil / A. Sparinska, N. Rostoks Z, Kruma, I. Alsina
- The quality evaluation of marmelade candies during the storage / Solvita Kampuse, Sandra Muizniece-Brasava, Zanda Kruma, Eva Ungure
- Phenolic compounds in fermented apple juice: effect of apple variety and apple ripening index / R. Riekstina-Dolge, Z. Kruma, I. Augšpole, E. Ungure, D. Karklina, D. Seglina
- Evaluation and identification of volatile compounds of strawberries and apples / S. Boca, Z. Kruma, D. Seglina, I. Skrupskis
- Phenolic compounds in fermented apple juice: effect of apple variety and apple ripening index / R. Riekstina-Dolge, Z. Kruma, I. Augšpole, E. Ungure, D. Karklina, D. Seglina
- Evaluation of total phenols and antiradical activity of ground-elder, chickweed, goosefoot and dandelion grown in Latvia / L. Tomsone, Z. Kruma, R. Galoburda
- Evaluation of total phenols and antiradical activity of ground-elder, chickweed, goosefoot and dandelion grown in Latvia / L. Tomsone, Z. Kruma
- Polyphenols and vitamin E as potential antioxidants in barley and malt / Ilona Dabina-Bicka, Daina Karklina, Zanda Kruma
- Changes of agar-agar gel properties after replacing sucrose by inulin syrup / Maija Kronberga, Daina Karklina, Irisa Murniece, Zanda Kruma
- Changes of agar-agar gel properties after replacing sucrose by inulin syrup / Maija Kronberga, Daina Kārkliņa, Irisa Mūrniece, Zanda Krūma
- Determination of antibacterial and antiradical activity of Origanum vulgare clones grown in Latvia / L. Dubova, I. Alsiņa, A. Baliņs, Z. Krūma, D. Rungis, I. Zukauska
- Evaluation of total phenolic contents of barley varieties and malt / I. Dabina-Bicka, D. Karklina, Z. Kruma
- Comparison of volatile compounds of fresh and fermented apple juice from different apple varieties / Z. Kruma, R. Riekstina-Dolge, D. Karklina, D. Seglina
- Polyphenols and vitamin E as potential antioxidants in barley and malt / Ilona Dabiņa-Bicka, Daina Kārkliņa, Zanda Krūma
- Composition of aroma compounds in fermented apple juice: effect of apple variety, fermentation temperature and inoculated yeast concentration / R. Riekstina‐Dolge, Z. Kruma, D. Karklina, D. Seglina
- Aroma composition of microwave vacuum dried dill (Anethum graveolens L.) stems / Z. Kruma, R. Galoburda, M. Sabovics, I. Gramatina, I. Skudra, I. Dabina‐Bicka
- Aroma composition of microwave vacuum dried dill (Anethum graveolens L.) stems / Z. Kruma, R. Galoburda, M. Sabovics, I. Gramatina, I. Skudra, I. Dabina‐Bicka
- The comparison of gooseberry biochemical composition in different ripening stages / S. Kampuse, K. Kampuss, Z. Kruma, K. Dorofejeva, E. Ungure
- Effect of chitosan and chitooligosaccharide on vitamin C and polyphenols contents in cherries and strawberries during refrigerated storage / Garry Kerch, Martins Sabovics, Zanda Kruma, Solvita Kampuse, Evita Straumite
- Effect of drying method on the content of phenolic compounds and antiradical activity of dill / Z. Kruma, R. Galoburda, I. Gramatina, S. Muizniece-Brasava, E. Kozlinskis, L. Tomsone
- Training of a sensory panel for profiling of dried dill properties / E. Straumite, Z. Kruma
- Antiradical activity of different barley varieties and malt types / llona Dabina-Bicka, Daina Karklina, Zanda Kruma
- Influence of different yeast strains on the production of volatile compounds in fermented apple juice / Rita Riekstina-Dolge, Zanda Kruma, Daina Karklina, Dalija Seglina
- Effect of pasteurization on composition of volatiles in fermented apple juice / Rita Riekstiņa-Dolģe, Zanda Krūma, Ruta Galoburda, Daina Kārkliņa
- Changes of total phenolic acids in whole-grain rye bread during baking / Vija Ozolina, Zanda Kruma, Daiga Kunkulberga
- Variation of substances relevant to human health in barley, triticale and potato / Skaidrite Bumane, Ilze Skrabule, Linda Legzdina, Arta Kronberga, Irisa Murniece, Zanda Kruma
- Evaluation of rapeseed meal chemical composition for further use in food stuffs / Z. Kruma, E. Sturmovica, S. Ozola, V. Kreicbergs
- The content of carotenoids and the color of organically and conventionally cultivated potatoes before and after storage / I. Murniece, Z. Kruma, I. Skrabule, E. Sturmovica
- Volatile profiles of rapeseed oil flavored with basil, oregano, and thyme as a function of flavoring conditions / An Adams, Zanda Kruma, Roland Verhé, Norbert De Kimpe, Viesturs Kreicbergs
- The comparison of quality parameters of conventionally and organically grown potatoes / I. Murniece, S. Kampuse, Z. Kruma, E. Ungure, I. Skrabule, S. Bumane, A. Vaivode
- Evaluation and identification of volatile compounds of strawberries and apples / S. Boca, Z. Kruma, D. Seglina, I. Skrupskis
- Characterization of vinegar aroma compounds: comparison of extraction parameters / Zanda Krūma, Thierry Talou
- Composition of aroma compounds in fermented apple juice: effect of apple variety, fermentation temperature and inoculated yeast concentration / R. Riekstina‐Dolge, Z. Kruma, D. Karklina, D. Seglina
- The comparison of quality parameters of conventionally and organically grown potatoes / I. Murniece, S. Kampuse, Z. Kruma, E. Ungure, I. Skrabule, S. Bumane, A. Vaivode
- Sensory evaluation of flax oil flavoured by cinnamon or caraway oils / Sandra Ozola, Evita Straumite, Zanda Kruma, Ruta Galoburda
- Sensory evaluation of flax oil flavoured by cinnamon or caraway oils / Sandra Ozola, Evita Straumite, Zanda Kruma, Ruta Galoburda
- Influence of post harvest period duration on rapeseed oil quality / V. Kreicbergs, V. Simkovica, I. Grāmatiņa, E. Sturmovica, Z. Kruma
- Determination of antibacterial and antiradical activity of origanum vulgare clones grown in Latvia / L. Dubova, I. Alsina, Z. Kruma, D. Rungis, I. Zukauska, A. Balins
- Polyphenolic composition and free radical scavenging activity of red wines available in the Latvian market / Z. Kruma, D. Karklina, I. Cinkmanis, O. Rutkovska
- Volatile compounds composition of thyme belonging to different genetic clones / Z. Kruma, R. Galoburda, A. Balins, J. Kausinieks, M. Sabovics, I. Alsina, I. Zukauska
- Dynamics of aroma compounds during apple processing / R. Riekstina-Dolge, D. Karklina, A. Vicaks, M. Sabovics, Z. Kruma, D. Klava
- Flavoured oils for canned fish production: analysis of volatile compounds / I. Gramatina, L. Silina, Z. Kruma, M. Sabovics
- Flavoured oils for canned fish production: analysis of volatile compounds / I. Gramatina, L. Silina, Z. Kruma, M. Sabovics
- Effect of drying method on the content of vitamin C in dill / Z. Kruma, R. Galoburda, K. Dorofejeva, E. Ungure, S. Sarvi
- Oxidation of lipids in muffins depending on packaging / Zanda Kruma, Tatjana Rakcejeva, Ruta Galoburda, Natalija Pocapska, Lija Dukalska, Martins Sabovics
- Nutritional value of minor fruits in Latvia / S. Kampuse, Z. Krūma, K. Kampuss, I. Krasnova
- Volatile compounds composition of thyme belonging to different genetic clones / Z. Kruma, R. Galoburda, A. Balins, J. Kausinieks, M. Sabovics, I. Alsina, I. Zukauska
- Improvements in technology and quality of alginate pearls / Thierry Talou, Zanda Kruma
- Biochemical composition and antiradical activity of Rowanberry (Sorbus L.) cultivars and hybrids with different Rosaceae L. cultivars = Pīlādžu (Sorbus L.) šķirņu un to hibrīdu ar citiem Rosaceae L. augļaugiem antioksidatīvā aktivitāte un bioķīmiskais sastāvs / Kaspars Kampuss, Solvita Kampuse, Elga Berņa, Zanda Krūma, Inta Krasnova, Inese Drudze
- Garšaugu ēteriskās eļļas / Zanda Krūma, Viesturs Kreicbergs ; Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte. Pārtikas tehnoloģijas fakultāte.
- Composition of aroma compounds in black-currant and raspberry juices with hydrolysed oat flakes soluble fraction additive / Ilze Gramatina, Zanda Kruma
- Composition of aroma compounds in black-currant and raspberry juices with hydrolysed oat flakes soluble fraction additive / Ilze Gramatina, Zanda Kruma
- Evaluation of sous vide treated ostrich meat quality during storage / J. Kivite, D. Karklina, L. Dukalska, E. Sturmovica, Z. Kruma, L. Skudra, I. Murniece, M. Sabovics
- Characterization of aroma compounds in medical plant grown Latvian / Z. Kruma, D. Karklina, I. Zalane, M. Sabovics
- Total phenol content and aromatic compounds variation among Latvian medical plants depending on vegetative stage : poster / Z. Kruma, D. Karklina, I. Zalane, M. Sabovics
- Evaluation of some new sous vide processed chicken and vegetable products / Lija Dukalska, Elina Sturmovica, Zanda Kruma, Kristine Ramane, Ruta Galoburda
- Evaluation of some new sous vide processed chicken and vegetable products / Elina Sturmovica, Lija Dukalska, Zanda Kruma, Kristine Ramane, Ruta Galoburda
- Biochemical composition and antiradical activity of Rowanberry (Sorbus L.) cultivars and hybrids with different Rosaceae L. cultivars / Kaspars Kampuss, Solvita Kampuse, Elga Berņa, Zanda Krūma, Inta Krasnova, Inese Drudze
- Antibacterial activity of extracts from different Origanum vulgare clones grown in Latvia / I. Alsiņa, L. Dubova, Z. Krūma, J. Krainis, I. Žukauska, R. Galoburda
- Aroma compounds of oregano (Origanum vulgare L.) / Z. Kruma, E. Sturmovica, R. Galoburda, I. Alsina, I. Zukauska
- Composition of Oregano (Origanum vulgare l.) aroma compounds depending on development stage / R. Galoburda, Z. Kruma, I. Alsina, I. Zukauska
- Overview of ready-to-eat ostrich meat preparation method without decomposition of constituents / Daina Karklina, Janina Kivite, Lija Dukalska, Liga Skudra, Elina Sturmovica, Zanda Kruma, Irisa Murniece, Ruta Galoburda, Martins Sabovics
- Phenolic compounds in oils aromatised with basil, oregano and thyme / Zanda Kruma, Mirjana Andjelkovic, Roland Verhe, Viesturs Kreicbergs
- Panātru dzimtas garšaugi rapšu eļļas aromatizēšanai : promocijas darbs inženierzinātņu doktora zinātniskā grāda iegūšanai pārtikas zinātnē / Zanda Krūma ; Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte. Pārtikas tehnoloģijas fakultāte. Ķīmijas katedra.
- Panātru dzimtas garšaugi rapšu eļļas aromatizēšanai : promocijas darba kopsavilkums inženierzinātņu doktora zinātniskā grāda iegūšanai Pārtikas zinātnē, Pārtikas procesu apakšnozarē = Plant family Lamiaceae herbs for rapeseed oil aromatisation : summary of promotion work for acquiring the Doctor's degree of Engineering Sciences in sector of Food Sciences, in sub-sector Food processes / Zanda Krūma ; Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte. Pārtikas Tehnoloģijas fakultāte.
- Phenolic compounds in basil, oregano and thyme / Zanda Kruma, Mirjana Andjelkovic, Roland Verhe, Viesturs Kreicbergs
- Dynamics of peroxide value in flavoured rapeseed oil / Zanda Krūma, Viesturs Kreicbergs, Daina Kārkliņa
- Sensory evaluation of aromatised oils and mayonnaises = Aromatizētu eļļu un majonēžu sensorais novērtējums / Z. Krūma, E. Strautniece, V. Kreicbergs
- Dynamics of aromatised oil oxidation / Zanda Krūma, Viesturs Kreicbergs
- Influence of the concentration of spices on the oxidation ability of unrefined oil / V. Kreicbergs, D. Kārkliņa, Z. Krūma
- Peroksīdu daudzuma izmaiņas eļļai ar Erevānas bazilika piedevu / Z. Krūma, V. Kreicbergs
- Zaļā bazilika un oregano ietekme uz eļļas oksidējamību = Influence of the green basil and oregano on the oxidation ability of oil / Zanda Krūma, Viesturs Kreicbergs